𝟎𝟏𝟑 ― black bag operation

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THE SOUND of gunfire pulls her from her light slumber

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THE SOUND of gunfire pulls her from her light slumber. Ellie's neck is aching from how she was slumped out. Her eyes are swollen from the tears. Phillip hadn't come back yet and she didn't even really know how much time had passed.

The only way she knows that she didn't dream of the encounter is the letter laying the the rusted desk. The scrawl of her uncle is drawn out across the white page. The words that shoved the dagger placed by her friend, Phillip Graves, deeper into her heart. 

Shouts and more fire sounds, Ellie jumping in her chair. There are thuds outside the door and she braces herself. She's a sitting duck. If this place is under attack from the cartel, she's probably screwed.

There's silence for a few moments before the door flies open, Ellie clenching her jaw and preparing for the worst. A dark figure ducks through the doorway and Ellie sighs in relief at the skull mask. Ghost knelt before her in no time, Soap and Alejandro coming in behind him. He's quick to draw his knife and cut her ties off, helping her stand to her feet. 

"Ghost," she cries, choking on his name.

"Is he here?" he asks urgently.

"No, he left, I don't know where he went." She sniffles and grabs the letter on the desk. "My mom is dead."

They all go still, glancing at the letter in her hands. 

"Graves?" Soap questions, eyes blazing.

She shakes her head quickly. "No, no!  She had a heart attack... in her sleep." She groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. "My uncle sent me this letter. I don't... what do I do? First, Graves, and now this?"

"We're here, Ellie," Soap says, coming up and gripping her shoulder. "You don't have to do this alone."

"We need to go," Ghost says quietly, handing Ellie a rifle. "We're pressed for time and need to get the other Vaqueros out." 

They rush out of the room and Ellie shoves the letter in her pocket. They cut the locks off the cells and arm the Vaqueros with weapons. Ellie learns they got all the weapons from Alejandro's safe house. They move quickly after that. 

"Shadows know we're here, stay sharp," Ghost orders. After those words, gunfire rings out.

They fight in the mess hall, Ellie shooting and reloading without a thought, the distraction helping make the thoughts go away. Once the big room is clear, they make their way down the stairs. Rudolfo tells them that exfil vehicles are waiting for them, Ghost having set charges to help get them out.

"With Johnny's help," Ghost adds to the statement.

Alejandro chuckles. "I can't call Soap 'Johnny.'"

"Don't," Soap says, a smile on his face. "Only Ghost and Ellie can pull that off."

The light mood is shortlived as they make their way to the courtyard, Shadow soldiers posted up everywhere. Roof, grass... they're fighting tooth and nail to make sure they can't leave. A truck rolls in, Ghost telling them that the truck he had rigged with a bomb, ordering Soap to detonate it. When he does, it gives them the boost they need to push in harder.

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓 ―  simon rileyWhere stories live. Discover now