𝟎𝟐𝟑 ― kortac

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THE FEROCITY of Price's voice on the phone call makes Ellie feel stupid for standing there like his daughter, waiting to give Dad his gift

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THE FEROCITY of Price's voice on the phone call makes Ellie feel stupid for standing there like his daughter, waiting to give Dad his gift. She is surprised he motioned her in when she appeared in his doorway. As he hangs up, he curses.

"How can I help you, Ellison?" he questions with a sigh.

"I think I can help you," Ellie replies, plopping his gift bag on his desk as she sits in one of his office chairs. "Merry Christmas, Price."

He quirks an eyebrow at her while ripping the wrapping paper open to reveal the box of cigars. His laugh catches her off guard. "Beautiful," he sighs, biting the end of the cigar off and spitting it in the trash before he lights it. 

Soon, the office is filled with the scent of the cigar. 

"That call was pretty intense," Ellie says, Price nodding in agreement.

"Laswell. Seems like this holiday is going to be short-lived, I'm afraid. Soap and Gaz are on their way back."

Her stomach sinks. "What's happening?"

"Alex Keller is MIA. He was sent with other ULF soldiers to investigate a Soviet-era bunker that was discovered in Urzikstan. The contents of the bunker and his whereabouts are unknown. So, she wants me and Gaz to group with her and Farah. Go searching."

"That is... unfortunate," Ellie mumbles. "At least we got a short break, I suppose."

"That's not all, Miller." She pauses, watching him carefully. His voice is grave. "Intel claims Shadow Company to be running new ops in Al Mazrah, as well as the Asia-Pacific island Ashika and Building 21."

"What is Building 21?" Ellie questions.

"A highly classified facility." Price blows out smoke. "Rumor has it, Shadows are using it to develop various types of weaponry."

"I'm confused... who is running the Company now?"

Price shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine. Who would take over after Graves is gone?"

She scoffs. "Me."

He stills. "What do you mean?"

"He wanted me to take over if anything ever happened to him. That obviously didn't happen, so I'm not sure who is running things now." She shakes her head. "I can't think of anyone who could pull that kind of stuff off."

Price thinks for a moment. "We are leaving as soon as they get back. You, Soap, and Ghost are flying out too."

"Where are we going?"

He leans back in his chair. "Laswell wants you to meet up with one of her other private companies. Wants you all to try and investigate what you can in Al-Mazrah about Shadow Company."

Her brows furrow. "What company?"

"KorTac. We've had issues with them in the past, however, things should be... civil now."

"I've never heard of them," Ellie says. 

"They're international. You all will start in Al-Mazrah, but things might lead you to Ashika. Simon is leading you all. So, you'll go to him with anything. Listen to him... I know he's been hard to deal with."

She laughs. "Well, I just dropped off his gift, so maybe he won't hate me even more than he already does."

"One, he doesn't hate you. And two, you got him a gift?" Price asks incredulously, cigar hanging from the corner of his lip. She nods. "That's very kind of you, Ellie."

She shrugs. "He didn't seem to care for it."

"Did he tell you to piss off?"


Price shrugs. "He liked it."

She nods slowly. "Interesting... so, do I need to start packing? He didn't mention anything about this."

"That would be because I've not told him yet."

"Why?" she questions.

Price puts out the cigar. "Because he is gonna be livid to know he has to work with KorTac. Sorry in advance. He's probably going to be a jerk over the next few months."

"Wait... months? Why doesn't he like them?"

"He and their Colonel don't get along. Let's put it that way. And, it might take a while to get the intel we need."

She leans her head back against the chair. "I am not looking forward to this. For many reasons, but you just keep adding to my list."

"I know, Ellie. I dread breaking the news to him. But, I'm glad I can prepare you. He might not be in the best of spirits once I do, and especially not when you all make it in."

"Is this Colonel a jerk or something?"

"König is... hard to explain."

"That's very helpful, Captain. Truly."

He tosses the torn Christmas paper at her, Ellie laughing as he does so. "Get outta my office and get packing, Miller. Try and sleep while you can. The boys'll be back soon."

"You got it."

"And, Miller," Price calls out before she opens the door. She turns and faces him. He can already see the watering of her eyes. "I know Al-Mazrah holds unpleasant memories for you. August... it was tough for you."

"And every day since," she replies, voice breaking.

"I hope you can be distracted, at least. I'm sorry about what happened."

She nods, opening the door and heading to her room.

Ellie sits on the edge of her bed, eyes burning as she stares at her hands in her lap. Shadow Company, up and running. Excelling, even. Nothing about it makes sense. She wonders if it's Grady who took over. He was never one Graves would have put in charge, but, with Erikson, Vance, and Ellie out of the picture... maybe he stepped up.

She quickly wipes the tears away. The thought of being on a mission with Ghost already has her exhausted. Add in the fact they're investigating the Shadows with a whole other group that they don't like, Ellie wants to scream. At least Soap will be there. Maybe KorTac won't be too bad.

Sighing, she begins stuffing her things in the duffel bag. Cramming in toiletries and loose-fitting clothes. She hasn't been to the desert in a while. Al-Mazrah... it doesn't hold good feelings for her. 

The charred skin on her shoulder starts to ache at the vivid memories of getting blown up, Ellie shakes her head to get them out of her brain. Maybe Price is right. It seems she'll be busy out there. Meeting new people. Possibly even going out to the island. Maybe things will go quickly.

She groans, pinching the bridge of her nose to stop her tears from falling. 

Even from the grave, Phillip manages to make her life difficult.

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