Chapter 12: Final Human Trial

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"Hey Sonny. What can I do for you?" She asked propping herself up into her elbows.

He didn't say anything at first just looked at her and frowned.

"Why're you laying down?"

"I gave myself a time out. That one weed is a stubborn little shank and I needed a timeout."

He grunted. Without another word he got down on his knees at the end of her little gaurden and began to pull weeds. Evelyn sat up and watched him for a second.

"Sonny. What are you doing?"

"Helping." His voice was deep and gravelly but quiet.

"That's very sweet. You don't have to, I was just venting to Minho."

"You look tired. I can see the sleepless bags. Gladers are hard to take care of."

Evelyn was actually speechless, she didn't think people noticed how exhausted she looked. Nick was always bugging her to get more sleep, but when your the only MedJack and the stomach flu goes around...

She had decided to keep the name MedJack, in honor of Jack. Some Gladers still called her a Healer, but she decided MedJack, it fit with the rest of the Glade's weird words.

"You also don't smile as much." Sonny said with a grunt. He yanked the big long deep rooted weed free, the one that was giving her grief.

"Well, that's true." She agreed sadly. And then muttered, "Do any of us smile much?"

He just grunted in agreement. Evelyn spent the morning in the Garden with Sonny. He was present company. He didn't talk much. But they got onto a game while they worked.

"Cat or Dog?" Evelyn asked.


"Really? I pictured you as a dog kinda guy."

"Too loud. Cats purr and snuggle."

Evelyn smiled, she could actually see it, him snuggled up with a fluffy little kitten. And she chuckled to herself.

"Sun or moon?" He asked.

"Hmm tough on Sonny. The sun watches me...but the moon knows all my secrets." She tapped her chin, "Moon."

He nodded.

"Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee." He looked at her like she was crazy, "coffee is life. That's not even a question!"

She laughed when he gave her a small shove in the shoulder.

"I agree! I agree with you Sonny!" She laughed.

"Warm or cold?"

"Warm. Mermaids or unicorns?" She giggled and raised an eyebrow.

Without hesitating, and without batting an eye, "Unicorns."

"Chocolate or vanilla?" He asked.

"Chocolate." Evelyn answered, still chuckling, with a shake of her head she went back to work.

"Blond or black hair?" He asked.

"Isn't it my turn?"

He pointed a threatening finger at her, "Answer."

"Fine! Sheesh. Blond."

He looked satisfied. She rolled her eyes and continued digging.

"Quiet personality or loud personality?"

"What's with these questions?"

"Figuring something out."

"And that is?"

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