Chapter 48 Perfect Stranger

Start from the beginning

"Why? Is there something you haven't told me about him?"

"No, he's a complicated person, just as I told you before. I just don't want him to hurt you in anyway."

"He can't hurt me, and if you don't feel like going, we don't need to go."

"He wants to meet you, and I feel it would be good for you too to get to know him more."

Jeremy knew his maternal grandparents kicked out Victoria when she had shared with them she was pregnant, therefore he had no experience with grandparents from either side. Sterling Miller would be his first grandparent figure, and he wasn't really excited to meet him after his mom told him how complicated he could be.

"Fine. However, if you ever feel uncomfortable let me know and we'll leave."


They drove to the address they were given, where an elegant mansion was standing. Servers were walking around with food and drinks serving them to the customers. From the distance, Emily hurried to Jeremy and gave him a huge hug. 

"Hey big bro, I'm glad you are here You too Victoria." she said giving her a hug too.

"Thanks Emily, you look adorable." Jeremy said looking at her with a pink short dress and her hair in a half bun.

"Thanks, I'll tell grandpa you came. He's eager to get to know you are here." she said leaving. 

Jeremy saw his grandpa approach, he reminded him of the actor Nilson Leslie, but without the comedian part, he looked way more serious and demanded attention without even asking for it.

"Victoria, looking charming as always." he said addressing her first and raising his glass towards her. "It seems time has not passed for you."

"Thanks for inviting us, your home is magnific." she said with a short smile. 

" And you must be Jeremy, nice meeting you son." he said extending his hand to him.

"It's a pleasure." Jeremy said shaking his hand. 

" Jason didn't tell me he wears glasses. He reminds me of Clark Kent and Superman looking like two different people. Doesn't matter, he's a Miller from head to toes."

"Victoria, would you mind if I steal your son for a while? I'm interested in getting to know him better."

"Go ahead. Have fun you two." she said placing her hand on her son's shoulder.

Jeremy followed his grandfather up the stairs wondering how their encounter would go. He wasn't really nervous at first, but somehow he was nervous now. What could he expect from this man?

Amy was watching one of her favorite shows in her laptop when she received a text message from JP. She didn't know he had her phone number, as they didn't really speak with each other. Connor must have given it to him.

JP: How are you? I'm going tomorrow to the airport to see Connor. My dad and Clarice want to go eat afterwards. And I wanted to know if you want to join in my car.

A: Sounds fun, but are you sure I should go too? It sounds like a family thing. 

JP: Trust me, Connor wants to see you. He asked me to pick you up.

A: Does Clarice know? She might want to know. 

JP: I told my dad; pretty sure he told her already. I'll pick you up at 2 pm

A: Okay, then. See you tomorrow.

She was thrilled that Connor was arriving soon, she had missed him and was about to see him soon. Her phone started ringing and saw it was Paige. She answered not knowing what to expect. 


"Hi. Are you busy?"

"No, why?"

"I found something on my dad's room. I need your opinion on it. Let me send you a picture."

Amy received a picture of a two-heart stone shaped diamond ring, both hearts together. She understood her friend's shock, Paige's dad was thinking in getting serious with Jeremy's mom. Her comment about them being a family if their parents married was intended as a joke, but apparently, she was not far from reality. 

"Where did you find it?" she asked not knowing what else to say. 

" Inside my dad's closet. I was looking for one of his old shirts since I wanted to fix it with my sewing machine and the box just fell. Do you know what this means? He plans on proposing."

" Don't ahead of yourself, it might be something else. Not necessarily is a marriage proposal."

"I guess. What should I do?" 

"For now just put that ring back exactly where it was. You won't want your dad to know you found it."

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