4: Confrontation

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"I-Its fine, I never told you why you shouldn't have touched me. I guess....I guess its partly my fault that I hit you. I'm sorry for that...I didn't hurt you too badly did I?" Amara asked as she looked to Fuuto concerned

"Nah, the hit you gave me was a weak one. So you know just why I'm here right?" Fuuto asked

"Mhm but there's a problem with that." She said sadly

He rose an eyebrow at her. "What might that be?"

"I'm with someone right now, I wasn't expecting what I saw in my head last night to be true and for you to really be here. I'm currently dating my guitarist Richard. He's the only guy I know from my childhood that still talked to me in school that didn't fake being around me." She said sadly

He scoffed a bit. "Really? You have got to be kidding me. You realize what you have to do don't you?"

"Yes, ignore you for the moment and focus on my carrier. Lets both be honest here, there's no way you'd ever date anyone but your step-sister Ema Hinata, ever since you first saw her you liked her. You just never once knew how to go approaching her, you constantly harassed the poor girl and even tried to force yourself on her while she slept. I'd never ever go along with anything with anyone like you." Amara said as she stood up and gave the bass guitar to Yuna and handing the drum sticks to Tina. "You can't fool me, I'm not breaking up with Richard because you have the urge to go back home just to ditch me for someone older than you that's obviously going to be with your elder brother Subaru."

Fuuto glared at her as he stood up. "You have no idea how bad of a mistake you are making right now Amara, you're going to pay for this you realize that?"

"No I'm not, now be a good little doll and sit on the couch." Amara said as she pointed to the couch

Tina and Yuna looked to her confused. "When the hell did you get a boyfriend?" Tina asked

"Oh...right you two never knew. Richard and I just recently got together, we've been together for about two weeks now."

Yuna wrapped her arm around Arama's shoulder. "So our little sister finally finds love, we're both happy to hear that you've found someone."

Amara blushed before it was shaken away when she heard Richard's voice. "Mara where are you?"

"I'm in the Studio room Rich."

She soon saw the raven haired male with red eyes, she happily went up to him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for coming over!"

"Not a problem Mara, so who are these people?"

"The one holding the base is my elder sis Yuna and the one holding the drum sticks is Tina."

"And the male?" Richard asked

"Fuuto Asahina."

His eyes narrowed. "You mean that creepy ass plush you kept with you?"

"Mhm, seems like he wasn't just some plush, he was cursed to be one till I placed him back to normal. As of right now...I'm really regretting it." Amara said with a sigh

"Well that's one more regret to add to your list huh?" Richard asked as he got his black and red guitar.

"Mhm very much so."

Richard then looked to Yuna and Tina. "Can I see what the two of you can do together?"

"Sure!" They said happily

Tina went behind the drums as the two of them did a slow rhythm that began to slowly become faster. Amara knew what they were doing and followed up on her piano as she sang. Richard couldn't believe how in sync the three girls were together as they played together. He knew Amara had skills and a beautiful voice to boot, but to be able to play a song with two people mid way...he had no idea she could do such a thing. It really amazed him how she was able to get into the melody so quickly.

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