16: Scolding from hell

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Fuuto was taken to his room and he was pushed on to his bed as Tina had her hands on either one of her hips. "I don't know what the fuck is up with you and harming woman but I really would have thought that you'd be different after what you had did to save Amara from the douche what was around her before! He used her just like you are now! I want to know right now is there another woman in your life other than my beloved sister?"

Fuuto was quiet, he couldn't speak up about the woman he had been seeing while being around Amara. When he didn't look or speak to Tina, she clenched her hand tightly and kicked him down onto his bed.


"Its not like..." Fuuto said before he felt her foot against his gut once more.

"SHUT UP YOU ARE A DISGRACE!" Tina growled angered

Fuuto teared up from the amount of pain that he was placed under. "Will you stop hurting me!? I didn't even do anything wrong!"

"'didn't do anything wrong'?! Tch you lied to my sister about her being the only woman you'd ever love, then cheat on her with someone else while you-you..UGH! I can't even being to fathom up the words to speak to you!" Tina yelled angered

Fuuto stayed as he was as he thought about the words that Iori spoke earlier that day, then the words that Tina spoke. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Tell me is Amara pregnant?"

"I'm not at liberty to tell you such an answer, I'll give you this much. You better chose or she'll chose for you and you won't like the outcome I'll give you that right off the bat. You have a few hours. You better chose right you bastard." Tina said coldly before she left the room angered

She went back to the room that Yuna and Amara was only to see Yuna there. "Where's Mara?"

"She left a few minutes ago. She had said something about her wanting to talk to some of Fuuto's brothers."

Tina sighed and closed her eyes. "Lets find her, she needs us now more than ever."


The two of them went to find Amara only to see her crying against Iori. Tina frowned as she saw the sight in front of her.

"Amara, what will you do now?" Tina asked curiously

"I'm going to confront him, I don't want this to be something that is lingering over me. Whatever happens, you two...You two have to promise me that you'll accept whatever I chose to do." Amara said as she let go of Iori and looked to her sisters.

They frowned but nodded their heads. "Of course." They said in unison.

She sighed and walked past her sisters to fuuto's room, she knocked on the door and got Fuuto not long afterwards. He frowned as he saw her with tear stained face.

"So you're actually going to talk to me now?"

"Shut up and let me in. We have a lot to talk about you moron." She said coldly

He let her in and she sat on the desk with her arms crossed as he sat in the chair. "What do you want to talk about?" Fuuto asked

"I'll ask the questions you just answer them, its my life on the line here not yours. Tell me is there another girl you're with right now." She asked with her eyes narrowed at him.

"How did you-"

"I said I'd ask the questions, answer it fuuto Asahina. Is there another woman you are seeing."

In Denial | Brother Conflict| Fuuto Asahina love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora