1: Little Amara

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Four kids stand in front of a stage three females and one male. All of them wearing their best clothing as their teacher stands below the stage with a nod. The youngest of them which stood on the left side of the male began to sing first before the others slowly and softly began to sing along with her. Afterwards one by one they sang songs solo before they all bowed and went off of the stage. When they got to the class room the brunette female with purple eyes goes to her desk only to see a basket waiting for her.

She opened it only to see that it was a gift from her father who was over seas. She knew that her performance had been broad-casted over seas so her father could watch her sing. She gave a sad smile before going through the basket, she knew she had to write a thank you letter to her father. She looked to the others to see that their parents actually came to the concert. She sat at her desk as she sighed with her eyes closed.

She knew her mother would be proud of her...if she wasn't already gone. The brunette female picked up the basket with her two small hands and she left after saying goodbye to her teacher. The young girl goes to the front of the school only to see a big car waiting for her. She gives the basket to the male waiting for her and she crawls into the car before going into her car seat.

She buckled herself up before she heard her small flip phone go off. She got it from her small purse and answered it, knowing it was only one person...her father.

"Hello father."

"Sweet heart you did a great job! I'm glad those lessons worked on you!"

She gave a small smile, even if he couldn't see it. "Thank you father. I am happy that you were able to watch me perform."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Yet you didn't show up at all you just watched it from a camera. She thought before she actually spoke. "I know father. When will I see you again?"

"Soon, my band is just about done here. So when I get home we'll celebrate your job well done on that concert and my good concerts all around the world! How does that sound?"

"Sounds good father, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon munchkin."

Her father then hung up and she sighed "I love you too father." She said sadly before she closed her phone

The rest of the ride home was fairly quiet which made her fall asleep, when she woke up she saw that she was in her room with an unknown plush doll beside her. She blinked her eyes a few times before she remembered that the plush doll was within the basket that was once on her desk. The rest was just random things her father 'thought' she might like. Which wasn't true at all.

She looked at the tag on the plush doll. "Fuuto A...What the heck I can't even say that! Asa...hina? So confusing." She whined

She took the doll everywhere with her around the big manor she lived in and went to the kitchen to find something to eat before she went back up the steps again quietly. She then went to a room that was fairly big and went up to the grand piano that was in the middle of the room. She began to play it after she placed the plush doll on the top of the piano.

She sang songs she made up on her own as she tried to forget that she was alone in the big house she was in. She hated it with all of her small being but there wasn't anything she could do about it. When she was done she looked to the plush doll and felt as if the doll was something more than just that...a doll. She shook her head and walked off with the doll, she began talking to the doll as if the doll was able to listen to her speak.

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