Chapter 8: Banishment

Start from the beginning

She felt a sob rising in her chest. Jack laid a hand on her knee. Nick had jerked awake. He sighed when he saw her hunched over sobbing. He got off the chair and sat beside her. 

"Evy. I'm sorry. You tried. You did your best, I know you did. You would have given your life for them, and you almost did." He said gently. 

He pulled her into his chest, giving her a hug. She just cried. Her body was so sore and tired, and what good was having healing powders if you couldn't save anyone? Jack and Evelyn didn't leave the MedHut for the rest of the day. They slowly stripped the bed sheets, and scrubbed the blood off the floor. Jack made her some tea, but she still felt sick and tired. He suggested she sleep some one, but she shook her head. They kind of just sat there in stunned silence, they had never had anyone die before. 

Evelyn had a gut feeling this was only the beginning.

Just before Supper there was knock, Alby poked his head in. He looked exhausted as well, and very stressed. 

"Hey guys, there's a gathering for Keepers in the Homestead before we eat." His voice had no inflection, it sounded as dead as his eye looked. 

They nodded and followed him to the the Homestead. On there way there she caught sight of a few of the Gladers, they all looked either angry scared or red puffy eyes. There was definitely tension in the air.   She caught sight of a sandy shaggy haired boy, he half turned and caught her eye. He blinked and then quickly looked away and hurried off. Newt's eye was black and blue, and she saw shame guilt and anger mixed in that quick look. She looked away and followed Alby into the Homestead gathering room. 

Sitting in a semi circle were all the Keepers of the Glad; Gall Keeper of the Builders, Sonny Keeper of the Baggers (they were kind of the creepy quiet ones, but they didn't have many Baggers, and Sonny was a good guy, just very quiet.) Zart, Keeper of the Track Hoes, Winston, Keeper of the Slicers, Frypan Keeper of the Cooks, Dug, Keeper of the Sloppers (the guys who were a bit too lazy but still needed a job or the ones who just didn't really fit in anywere- they did the odd jobs no one else wanted) Minho Keeper of the Runners, Evelyn and Jack the coKeeprs of the MedJacka/Healers, Alby and Nick. 

"All right we need to do this quick." Alby barked, folding his large arms. 

Nick stood up, "Okay. Levi stabbed two kids last night. Evy and Jack did their best to save them. Unfortunately..." He trailed off, running a hand through his messy black hair. He sighed, "They both didn't make it through the night."

"So, what do we do with their bodies?" Zart asked.

"Bury them." Sonny grunted. 

Nick was nodding, "I agree with Sonny, they were both good people."

"Where?" Winston asked. 

"What about in the forest? Find a clearing." Evelyn suggested quietly. 

There were a few nods. Nick brought out a paper, sat down and wrote down a few things, then looked up at the Keepers, "Okay all in favour of the forest for a graveyard?" Nick asked, it was unanimous. "Okay, now. What do we do with Levi? He has now gkadered three shanks." 

It was quiet in the room. 



"Nick, you're not making sense." 

He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes with a loud groan. "It was a long night. Sorry." 

"Levi, already shanked three Gladers." He repeated. 

Minho snorted, "I like Shanks better. He stabbed three shanks." 

"Whatever." Nick waved his hand dismissively. "What do you guys suggest we do with him? Keeping him locked in the slammer isn't working." 

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