Chapter 106: Sultan Gu

Start from the beginning

Yaoying's hands and feet were a little soft. With Bisha's support, she slowly moved her feet away.

In front of the city tower, a man wearing a dark brocade robe stood there, carrying a blood-stained sword. His posture was tall and thin, thinner than Bisha, but the whole person was like a fully drawn bow. Full of majestic tension, imposing and chilly and fierce. With long arms, his brocade belt tightly bound his waist, outlining his muscle lines, at a glance, one could tell he was skilled in bow and horse.

It was Regent Sultan Gu. Precisely the Regent Sultan Gu who wielded the military and political power of the Royal Court. The one who killed lives like flies, a malevolent evil spirit that was like Asura in the common people's hearts.

Holding a long sword, he looked back at Bisha and Yaoying, his eyes cold and empty, like the foggy winter morning. Even the blazing sunlight could not shine through the thick haze.

A touch of the evening sunset fell across his face, illuminating his features. It was as the rumors said: ugly and frightening, crawling with hideous wounds, one could not see his original features.

A living yaksha.

Yaoying could not help but slightly shudder.

Sensing her fear, Bisha took off his cloak and draped it over her. Gently holding her shoulders, not knowing how to comfort her, he said in a panic: "Princess, don't be afraid! The Regent never kills innocent people, he kills the most evil bandits..."

Yaoying steadied her mind and said softly, "No, it was me who was rude."

Bisha was stunned. Sighing softly, he helped Yaoying walk to the sentry tower, "The one who should be blamed is me, I was too careless! I should not have brought the princess here. Princess, wait a moment. I will go and explain it clearly to the Regent."

Yaoying looked up at him and gratefully said, "Many thanks, General."

With a slight blush on his face, Bisha smiled and turned around. Looking at the human head at his feet with disgust, he went over to Sultan Gu's side in a few steps.

"Regent." He pointed to the group of people tied up and bound under the city tower, "The few Han people there had a verbal dispute with a Hu merchant that escalated to a brawl, injuring people. The crime was originally not to the point of death but the Hu merchant colluded with the city officials and deliberately sent them here. Regent, do not mistakenly kill them."

Sultan Gu did not pay Bisha any attention. Returning his sword into its sheath, he walked down the city tower from the other side of the sentry tower. His back was as strong and powerful as water at the highest peak of a mountain.

Bisha promptly followed, shouting: "Regent, they really did not take any lives!"

Sultan Gu did not turn around, saying: "Deal with according to the law."

The voice was deep and low.

Yaoying's ears were perked, listening carefully to their conversation. When she heard this sentence, her apprehensive heart finally returned to its original position.

Dealt with according to the law, that is, just needing to pay the fine.

Bisha also breathed a sigh of relief and took Yaoying down the city tower. He found the soldier guarding the prisoners and explained the reason clearly.

The soldier found the paperwork sent by the city officials and expressed surprise, saying, "General, there is no need to panic. Although these people were convicted of capital crimes, they will be sent to the city tower for execution only after the Regent confirms their crimes. Taking them here today was only to open their eyes."

In other words, only those few bandits would be executed today. All cases with capital punishment were ultimately to be investigated by Sultan Gu himself. Xie Peng and the others were not guilty of murder, and Sultan Gu would not convict them of capital punishment because of the official's one-sided words.

Yaoying was now completely relieved, thanking Bisha again and again.

Looking at her blood-stained veil, Bisha felt very guilty and sent her back to the palace, saying warmly, "I will take care of the rest. Princess just needs to wait at ease. Xie Peng and the others will be back in a few days."

Yaoying shook her head and said, "This is the result of Xie Peng and the others' impulsiveness and recklessness. I, as their Princess, am too lax in disciplining them. I dare not let the General be troubled by this again."

Bisha said, "Princess need not be polite with me. Princess is far away from home, with no one looking after you. You can come to me for anything, no need to be shy. I am only worried about not finding the opportunity to be troubled for the princess."

The last sentence was said with a deliberately softened tone, gentle and charming.

Yaoying was stunned.

Bisha smiled at her, "Princess has been frightened today. Rest early, I will see Princess again tomorrow."

Yaoying watched his tall figure walk away. Remembering that his cloak was still circling her body, she shook her head and turned around to go back to the house.

The soldiers came back one after another to report. They had sent out jewels and jade to bribe the city officials, the officials promising to withdraw the petition tomorrow. The Hu merchant, seeing the silk and the bit of silver money they gave, agreed to settle.

The next day, Bisha did come to help Yaoying deal with the rest of the matter. Xie Peng and them had pleaded guilty with a good attitude. Yaoying took out a settlement letter, and several people were soon released.

Xie Qing punished them by squatting in the courtyard every day. They knew that they almost made a big mistake that nearly implicated Yaoying, so they didn't dare to argue and honestly accepted the punishment.

Yaoying did not scold Xie Peng, and asked someone to find the Hu merchant. Buying all those Han people, she placed them in a courtyard outside the city.

The old man who died that day was dragged and thrown outside the city. Yaoying asked someone to find his corpse and take care of his funeral arrangements.

After Xie Peng heard about it, he wiped his tears and continued to squat.

After handling Xie Peng's matter, Yaoying could at long last have a smooth and peaceful sleep.

This night, she dreamed that she was standing in the city tower. A shower of warm blood splattered out, splashing all over her body, the blood flowing and trickling down her skirt.

Tick tock, tick tock.

A figure stood in front of her, carrying a bloodstained sword in his hand.

Yaoying did not dare to move. The man suddenly came over, his face like a yaksha. Only his pair of eyes were clear, flooded with lakewater-like green.

She woke up in a cold sweat.

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