Chapter 5: Nighttime Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Newt? Can I asked you something?" She asked as her hands dug in the cool dirt.


"What do I look like? I... don't even know!"

He sat back on his heels dusting his hands off, he cocked his head, his eyes trailing all over, having an excuse to look at her.

"Well. Your hair is sunshine blond, the colour of gold. Your eyes are a bright green, like fresh grass or bright emeralds. You have a splash of freckles across your nose and cheeks, your skin is pale and clear. You have a small little nose and your lips are full and pink. And like Minho likes to tease, your bloody short."

"Maybe your just really tall and I'm average height!" She shot back raising her eyebrows.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Love."

She lowered her head with a small smile and heat rising in her face. He was very discriptive in describing her and then he called her love.

Newt leaned forward and kept digging. Evelyn followed his example. They dug and planted in silence for a bit longer. It was a comfortable silence, she was greatfully he didn't force her to constantly talk.

Out of the dark something silver flashed in the moonlight. It scurried over towards Evelyn.

"Why hello little Hephaestus. I haven't seen you all day." She smiled at the lizard.

Newt looked up, and eyed the machine wearily as it climbed up her arm into her shoulder. It settled down and turned its lamp like eyes on Newt. He gulped nervously, but it didn't do anything else, but watch him.

"So, why at night?" Newt finally asked.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"At night, why a garden at night? And even the first night you were up late, wandering the trees."

She paused and raised an eyebrow.

"No! No I wasn't watching in like a creep way. Just couldn't sleep and noticed you leaving into the forest and came back a while late only to go back."

She still didn't say anything, but a small smile formed at the corner of her lip.

"Your also the only buggen' las in the place. Hard not to notice."

She hummed softly and then shrugged.

"I like the dark. The moon is soft and gentle, it's not harsh and bright. I can tell the moon anything, and he holds my secrets."

"Do you have secrets to hold, Love?"

"Doesn't everyone, Newt? Everyone has a secret or two they don't want others to know about, even from those we hold closest to us." She said quietly.

He hummed in response, watching her thoughtfully. She paused in her work and looked up. His big melted chocolate eyes gazed at her, she could see the storm brewing in them. He tried to hide it behind his smile.

"Newt?" She asked quietly, gently reaching for his hand that was resting on his knee. She took it gently, "Are you alk right? Is there a secret you want to share with...the moon?"

He looked at her for another moment, she could see the battle in his eyes, she could feel it in his soul, threw his hand. He blinked and it was gone.

"Nah, I'm good, Ev. Not everyone keeps secrets."

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, whether or not she meant to do it, she felt a small surge of her power transfer to him. She saw his eyes light up and a healthy glow in his cheeks. And she felt the depletion of her energy. She suddenly felt exhausted again.

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