Once upon a time, it was us against the world.

But that was before when we thought we had it all.

That was before we broke each other's hearts.

"I'm sorry... This is... " Emma stammers, her gaze shifting between David, Max, and me. "You guys are suggesting I marry Asher?"

David maintains a calm composure, his gaze fixed on her. "Yes, a strategic partnership, a marriage of convenience, if you will. It would help secure the future of Sullivan Enterprises, and in return, you would benefit from our resources and support."

The room falls into an uneasy silence. I can sense Emma's inner turmoil reflected in her eyes. Max, too, seems caught between the desire to help Emma and the discomfort of the situation.

As I unfold my arms, my palms itch with the need to reach out to her, to offer some explanation, to ease the tension. But the wounds of the past are still raw, and I remain silent, waiting for her response.

Not long ago, a very different marriage idea was being discussed in this same office.

One between Max and Emma.

"Emma," Max interjects, his voice gentle but firm, "this proposition comes from a genuine desire to help. I understand it's unexpected, but please consider the impact it could have on the shelter and the countless lives it serves."

A snort escapes me, a reflexive response to the unmistakable struggle in his eyes. The lines etched on his forehead and the faint crease at the corner of his mouth betray the internal conflict he's grappling with. Despite his efforts to present a different narrative, the truth is glaringly clear in the furrow of his brow and the flicker of reluctance in his gaze.

This last scenario he envisioned; an outcome he vehemently resisted despite his best attempts to persuade me otherwise.

"But marrying Asher, Max?" She holds his gaze, and his lips part with a soft sigh. "I thought you were trying to help me."

"Emma..." He shakes his head, reaching out to squeeze her hand.

Fuck this!

A rush of resentment washes over me, and I speak without really thinking. "You could always go ask your dad for the money you need."

Max gasps, his eyes narrowing at me. "Asher!"

"What?" I say, my eyes on Emma. "Am I wrong?"

Her jaw tightens, and I see the hurt in her eyes transform into anger. "You don't know anything about me, Asher. And after all these years, you're still the same arrogant, self-centered jerk."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. Deep down, I know I shouldn't bring her father up. Not after everything we've been through.

It doesn't mean my heart has caught up with my brain, though.

"Is that so?" I cross my arms over my chest, stupidly getting ready for a fight. "Well, you have to admit it's at least funny you went after Max's help, of all people.

"I don't owe you an explanation." Her eyes narrow, a fire igniting within them. "Actually, I don't owe you anything."

"Asher!" Max shouts. "You either apologize to her right now or get the fuck out of here."

A bitter laugh escapes my lips as I raise my hands in mock surrender. "You don't need to say it twice."

I walk out of the room, feeling a bundle of mixed emotions, but with a clear thought in mind.

I am, indeed, a jerk.


"Are you seriously out of your goddamn mind?" Max's voice booms as he finds me pacing near the pool half an hour later.

"I don't want to fight with you right now," I mutter, grabbing my hair and squeezing my eyes shut.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He shouts, forcing me to look at him.

I take a step closer. "I'm not sure I can do this."

"The women's shelter she worked hard to build burned down last month, leaving two hundred people homeless!" Max hisses. "The legacy our father worked tirelessly to build is drowning right now. This is not about you, Asher!"

My breath catches in my throat, and my head spins.

"God, you're unbelievable." he shakes his head, his hands clenching at his sides. "Can you, for once, think about anything but yourself right now?"

I look down, the weight of my actions sinking in. Max is the only family I have left, the sole link to our shared past. Despite our differences and the heartache we've caused each other, our blood ties have carried us through life's ups and downs. "You're right," I murmur. "I shouldn't have treated her like that."

"Of course, you shouldn't," he says, his voice softening slightly. "Why would you even do that?"

Looking away, my face burns with embarrassment. How do I tell him I was jealous? That I overreacted because a bunch of feelings I thought I had buried deep inside almost suffocated me when I saw her?

"Ash, why—"

"Are you still in love with her?" I blurt, our eyes locking.

He doesn't say anything, and for a moment, the world seems to hold its breath. But when he finally looks away and his shoulders slump slightly, I have my answer.

Damn it! It's like I've traveled back in time.

Although Max is five years older, we all grew up together. But after Emma's mother died when she was eighteen, she and I bonded in a way that's hard to explain. Something clicked, and one day we were more than just friends.

So much more.

One night, I returned home to discuss my feelings for Emma with Max, only to hear from his mouth that they were getting to know each other better. Before I opened my mouth to speak he was going on and on about how he and Emma were perfect for each other.

He was in love with her.

Turned out, both our father and hers were pleased about their potential relationship, and it all became a big business arrangement everyone was involved in.

Everyone but me.

Swallowing hard, I walk to him, holding my hand out. "You're right."


"No, I overreacted. I'm sorry," I whisper, not wanting to upset him after everything he's been through.

"I'm not the one you should apologize for." He shakes my hand, and I feel a knot in my stomach.

I don't know what twisted game life is trying to play with me, but it looks like I'll have to open the door of the past and face the main reason I've avoided coming back to this place.



A/N: Oops... Lots of baggage between these three, huh?

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