Chapter 1

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They say you never forget your first love.

You might find a new person and even fall in love again. But that one person who first made your heart race and your palms sweat will always be in the back of your mind.

Maybe it's just an innocent memory.

Maybe it's the certainty you are better off without them.

Or maybe it's the constant thought of where things went wrong. It's the longing in the middle of the night and the ache in your chest when you think about them.

In my case, it's all of the above and so much more.

Asher Sullivan is a mix of longing and heartbreak; an addiction that no amount of time or distance could cure.

During our relationship, I deluded myself into thinking I could have it all. I was young and foolish and trusted him blindly with my heart. Only to have it broken when he decided to leave everything behind. Including me.

So, I promised myself I'd never step foot in his family house again. The very same place where everything changed for us.

I never thought I'd have to break that promise.

Until now.

Putting my pride aside and willing my heart to stop beating so fast, I knock on his family's door.

I know he won't be here. He's God knows where doing God knows what. But as I stand before the imposing doors of the Sullivan mansion, I can't help but wonder if he still thinks about me, about us.

With a polite smile on my face, I follow one of the servers inside and take a seat in the living room. The house is silent and still and my eyes drift towards the stairs that lead to his room.

Closing my eyes, I can almost hear Asher's voice as I remember one of the many times we sneaked inside the house in the middle of the night.

For a second, it feels like I'm just thrown back in time...

"You'll wake up the whole house if you don't stop giggling," Asher whispered, his warm breath caressing my earlobe as he pulled my back against his chest.

"So, stop making me giggle," I said, my voice a sultry invitation, barely audible above the pounding of my heart.

Asher's lips trailed along the sensitive skin of my neck, igniting a cascade of tingling sensations that shot straight to my core. His strong, possessive hands explored the contours of my arms, setting my skin on fire. I could feel the heat of his body melding with mine, the urgency of our desire growing with every heartbeat.

His lips nuzzled my ear, planting feather-light kisses along my jawline. "Do you have any idea what you do to me? How many nights I spent awake thinking about nothing but being with you?"

"Jesus, Ash...." My knees turned to jelly, my body easily responding to his touch.

He turned me in his embrace. His body curved against mine, his tousled black hair framing his face in a way that made him impossibly hotter. The hand that was at my waist slid down seductively, resting on the curve of my hips. His ocean-blue eyes looked at me like he was ready to devour me.

He held me captivated. I had almost no room to breathe. Yet I'd never felt so alive in my life.

"Kiss me," he said hoarsely, his gaze fixed on mine.

Panting softly, I licked my dry lips. He let out a groan that drove me crazy. I couldn't think about anything but him.

Then he leaned in slowly, his nose barely touching mine. "Kiss me," he whispered.

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