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"We brought dinner

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"We brought dinner." Daryl said so seriously it almost made Fiona laugh.

The group stood in front of the large gates of Alexandria. Fiona couldn't believe it. She made it to a community she knew would keep her safe for at least a while.

"It's okay." Aaron said when a curly headed brunette was basically giving Daryl a dirty look, "Come on in, guys."

As they walked inside the gated community, the gate immediately closed behind them while the group watched.

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons. Stay, you hand them over." The curly headed man said.

"We don't know if we want to stay." Rick looked him up and down.

"It's fine, Nicholas." Aaron tried.

"If we were gonna use them, we would have started already." Rick told the duo as Nicholas was giving everyone a look.

"Let them talk to Deanna first." Aaron nodded his head once.

Fiona loved how Aaron was already basically defending the group even if he had no idea who they were. She loved him already.

"Who's Deanna?" Abraham stood confused at the random bring up of a person.

"She knows everything you'd want to know about this place. Rick, why don't you start?" Aaron replies while looking at Rick.

"Sasha." Rick called when he heard a walker growling behind the gates.

Sasha was such a good shot. That's one thing her and Fiona had in common and some of the reason why they were good friends.

Sasha aimed at the walker and immediately shot its head, killing it immediately. Fiona smiled softly before turning back to the two people who were giving strange looks.

"It's a good thing we're here." Rick says before following Aaron to go wherever they were going.


Fiona went after Daryl did.

"Hello." The women Fiona was guessing was Deanna spoke, "I'm Deanna Monroe."

"Fiona Andrews." Fiona introduced.

"Mind if I record this?" Deanna asked the blonde who didn't feel comfortable sitting down.

"Whatever makes you feel comfortable." Fiona says while looking around the room that was nicely clean.

"You're welcome to sit." Deanna motioned her hands to the chair with patterns all over it.

"I'm good." Fiona says plainly as she walked over in front of the chair Deanna motioned to after she heard the camera beep.

"You're cautious, I understand. What was your life like before this?" Deanna looked over to the women who had her hair in a ponytail.

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