[010] Back Again?

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completely ignore how Gia healed so quickly because its for the plot

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completely ignore how Gia healed so quickly because its for the plot

Fiona had slept next to Gia all night, not caring if she got sick at all. Fiona gave her the antibiotics and Hershel gave her tea which caused her to heal a bit faster. Gia always healed pretty quickly when she was sick when she got medicine, Fiona never understood how.

Hershel gave Gia the ok that she was free to leave the tombs so her and Fiona left and Gia went to help Michonne and Hershel burn some of the bodies while Tyreese and Fiona were farther in the prison because they found something strange.

"Tyreese, you down here?" Rick called from across the corner.

"Rick, that you?" Tyreese called back.

"Is Fiona down here with you?" Daryl asked the man next to her.

"Right here, Dar." Fiona replied to him as their footsteps got closer, Tyreese and Fiona walked over to them.

"You guys got to see this." Tyreese told them with his eyes widened.

"Can we take a beat? There's something we need to talk about." Rick stops Tyreese but he didn't care.

"It can wait. Come on."

Tyreese and a Fiona quickly walked back to where they saw what they saw at the end of the hallway, Rick and Daryl following after the duo.

Tyreese pointed his flashlight to the ripped open creature that was nailed to a board, "Look." Daryl and Rick got closer to the thing.

"The hell?" Daryl squatted down beside it.

"I was just looking for... answers... and I found this. Same person that killed Karen and David did this. Remember the rats at the fence. They showed up the same day she was killed. We got a psychopath living with us."

"Tyreese." Rick tried.

"We got to find him, Rick. And i'm not gonna sleep until we do."

"Tyreese... whoever did this, I don't think that's who killed Karen."


"I think I know who did it. I've been watching the kids and—"

Fiona got cut off to a huge explosion that happened outside. She immediately grabbed onto Daryl before running back outside to see what had happened. And when the sunlight hit her face it kinda blinded her but she continued to run as Rick yelled for the others to back away, obviously getting ignored. When she went to the fence the governor was on a tank with a bunch of people surrounding him.

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