[017] Come

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Fiona woke up while someone was dragging her so she panicked and tried to fight back but they ended up kicking her in the back and placed her in front of a long sink

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Fiona woke up while someone was dragging her so she panicked and tried to fight back but they ended up kicking her in the back and placed her in front of a long sink.

Bob, Rick, Daryl, Fiona then Glenn was the order of the line and a bunch of random people on the other side.

Soon the men walked over to the end of the line and hit a guy in his head then slit his throat. Fiona widened her eyes and scooted a little closer to Daryl as there was muffled screams.

They repeated it with a couple more people until they stopped at the guy beside Glenn. Fiona started to repeat "no" but it coming out muffled because the gag in her mouth.

Finally Gareth walked in. This was the only time Fiona liked when he was came in.

"Hey, guys. What are your shot counts?" Gareth asked.

"38." The man with a bat killed the guy beside Glenn and the one with the machete slit his throat.

They were about to hit Glenn but Gareth spoke again, "Hey!" Fiona let out a sigh of relief, "Your shot count?"

"Crap, man. I'm sorry. It was my first roundup." The machete man replied.

"After you're done here, go back to your point and count the shells. Kaylee won't be gathering them until tomorrow."

"Hey." Bob muffled out. "Hey, let me talk to you."

"Five from A, Four from D?" Gareth questioned.

"Yeah." One of them men behind Glenn replies.

"Hey, let me talk to you for a minute." Bob says again. "Let me talk to you for a minute."

"What?" Gareth annoyingly removed Bob's gag.

"Don't do this. We can fix this."

"No, you can't."

"You don't have to do this. We told you there's a way out of all this. You just have to take a chance. We have a man who knows how to stop it. He has a cure. We just have to get him to Washington. You don't have to do this, man. We can put the world back to how it was."

"Can't go back, Bob."

"We can!" Gareth put Bob's gag back on so his next words came out muffled, "You don't have to do this!"

Gareth squatted in front of Rick and took his gag off, "We saw you go into the woods with a bag and come out without it. Had to pull my spotters back before we could go look for it. What was in it?" No response from Rick whatsoever, "You hid it, right? In case things went bad? Smart. Still, we'll find it. But it's too dangerous to go out there right now."

Gareth pulled out his knife and pointed it at Bob's eye. That's when Fiona's ears started ringing and her eyes started to get blurry. She couldn't hear anything or even see anything due to the tears in her eyes.

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