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Kendo's footsteps echoed as she made her way through the empty halls of UA. The lack of noise around her was a stark contrast to what was going on inside her head. Questions and concerns swirled as they ate away at her.

Ever since their time at the beach, Kendo hadn't seen Midoriya. That wasn't because of a lack of chances, no Kendo had actively gone out of her way not to see him. Truth be told she wanted to see him. She wanted to ask him all these questions that had been eating her alive. She needed to know if she was just being paranoid, because she found out about what Midoriya was.

When he told her everything at the beach she originally had thought nothing of it, but the more she thought about it the greater her concern grew. They eventually boiled over which had brought her to where she was now. Standing in front of Midnight's office.

Taking a deep breath, Kendo debated one last time if she really needed to do this. With a deep sigh she knocked on the door, immediately dreading what was to come. She stood there for a moment before a voice came from the other side.

"Come in."

Taking one last deep breath Kendo entered the room to find Midnight standing by the counter making some tea. Much to Kendos surprise Midnight wasn't in her hero uniform, but normal street clothes. Seeing her dressed normally somehow managed to relax Kendo slightly.

"Sorry for coming in over the break."

Midnight smiled gently as she poured herself a cup of tea. "It's fine, I have to be here anyways so your company is welcomed. Would you like a cup as well?"

"Uh, yes. Thank you."

Midnight nodded as she began to fix a second cup. "Just give me a moment. Why don't you have a seat and tell me what's on your mind."

Kendo flinched slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Midnight, before sitting down. "Was it that obvious that something was on my mind?"

Midnight sat across from her and set a second cup in front of Kendo. "Very. You're a high school girl with a boyfriend on summer vacation. Do I need to spell it out for you?"

Kendo began to twirl the end of her ponytail to calm her nerves. Seeing this Midnight let out a sigh.

"Something happened between the two of you didn't it?"

Kendo froze and stopped messing with her hair. She could only give a soft nod for a response.

Straightening up Midnight took a sip of her tea. "I'm guessing you found something out about him and when you finally processed it you realized you don't know how you feel about it."

Kendo's eyes widened as she stared in confusion. "How... how did you know that?"

Setting her tea down Midnight held up a finger. "One, you're not absolutely seething with rage or crying hysterically so it's obvious he didn't cheat on you or break up with you." She put up a second finger. "Two, you don't seem annoyed or frustrated so that tells me it wasn't a fight or disagreement." She held up a third finger. "Three, you flinched when I asked you to tell me what was on your mind and coupled that with the twirling of your hair, that tells me that you're anxious about something." She held up a fourth finger. "Fourth, let's just call it a woman's intuition. I was once a teenager in love myself. I've experienced all the emotions you have and some."

Kendo froze as she stared at Midnight, completely flabbergasted. "You got all that just from the past minute and half?"

Midnight smiled as she picked up her cup. "I have been doing this for a while and I'm also a licensed therapist. So tell me, what's on your mind?"

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