I'm Not Going

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Midoriya wiped the sweat from his forehead as he let out a sigh of relief. The final package had unloaded and was now sitting on the floor of his new apartment. Obviously, setting up a temporary place to live wasn't an ideal way to spend his weekend, but it could always be worse.

Kendo: "How's the unpacking going?"

That being said, it could always be better.

Ever since Midoriya and Kendo had sparred, she had been messaging him more frequently. It wasn't anything excessive. She mainly asked about his fighting style, motorcycles, and occasionally threw out other ideas to help him bond with Eri.

Talking to someone his age, regularly, was something he hadn't done in a long time. Due to his "circumstances", he did all his schooling online; therefore he didn't have many friends. To him this wasn't necessarily a negative thing- the less people around him, the less likely any of them would get hurt.

Midoriya: "Just got the last box inside, so the unpacking is officially beginning."

But Midoriya, strangely, enjoyed talking with Kendo. Sure, he found it tedious sometimes, but never annoying. If he was being honest, he found her straightforwardness alluring and her take-no-shit attitude sexy. He admired that she was doing her best to follow through with her dream. Having a dream was a wonderful thing that he had long since forgotten, but now he only had wishes.

Kendo: "I told you I was free today. I could have helped."

Midoriya: "Don't you think you should be focusing on preparing for the UA entrance exam that's in two months?"

Kendo: "I'll have you know, I pass every test I take and I just finished a three mile run."

Midoriya: "Then you should rest. Besides, I doubt your parents would be alright with you coming to my apartment, by yourself."

Kendo: "You're not wrong about that, dad still treats me like his little girl. Anyways, I'll let you get back to unpacking while I take a nap."

Midoriya: "Take one for me, too."

Midoriya laughed as he opened up the first box. Kendo was interesting in the fact that she didn't fit the mold of a typical girl. She was a tomboy, which wasn't a bad thing, in fact Midoriya much preferred that to damsel in distress. Out of the little information he knew of her, there was one thing that stood out the most to him.

'I really like her eyes.'


The next morning, Midoriya's footsteps echoed down an empty hallway. It was his first official day as Eri's babysitter, and he was not looking forward to it. He had only talked to the girl a handful of times, so he knew this was going to be a huge chore. He only hoped that Kendo's advice would work.

As he approached her room, the door opened.Kai walked out, readjusting his gloves.

"Did you fix her?"

He turned to Midoriya with keen eyes. "Of course, you held up your part so I'll hold up mine."

Midoriya nodded as he reached for the handle. "Good."

As Midoriya went to pull, Kai stopped him. Midoriya sent him a glare. "What?"

"You said you may have found people willing to help us, I want to know about them."

"I said they might be willing to help us, there's nothing certain yet."

"Do you really think they will be of use?"

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