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"Alright class, I know some of you are disappointed with your results in the sports festival, that's good."

Everyone in class 1-B looked at their teacher confused as to why he would tell them it's good to be disappointed.

"I don't mean for you to wallow in self pity, but instead push yourself harder. Use those emotions to improve yourself so you can be better next time."

A resounding "yes sir" rang through class. His short speech had lifted a few of the sour moods in the class.

"Now, who came up with the plan to hold back in the first event?"

Again everyone in class looked at him confused; however this time it was because no one had talked about the plan they came up with. Seeing their confusion Vlad Kind sighed.

"Did you seriously think the teachers wouldn't see what was going on? You all used your quirks as little as possible and held towards the middle of the pack."

Monama laughed arrogantly as he flipped his hair. "It was a pretty ingenious plan wasn't it? We sat back and watched them all to gain a better understanding of what their quirks were. Then we were able to figure out how to take them out in the second round."

"And how exactly did that work out for you?"

Monama stopped laughing as he looked around the room annoyed.

"Only one of you made it through the second round without the need of people backing out. Even the two general studies students made it through and do you know why?"

The class remained silent, they all knew the answer but didn't want to say it. Kendo clenched her first as she thought about all the things she could have done to get further. She hated herself for going along with Monama's paln and for spacing out after she was frozen in place by Todoroki's ice.

"The reason is because they didn't settle for good enough. They all fought tooth and nail to be number one. The reason class 1-A was able to recover during the cavalry battle was because they learned first hand what happens if they hold back. The sports festival isn't just for you all to see who's the best in your grade, it's so other pros can see what you're capable of doing. Since you all chose to hold back, these are the results you get."

Vlad Kind motioned to the white board as he clicked his remote. On it appeared a list of all students in 1-B with numbers next to them. At first they thought they were grades, but that was until they noticed a few of the numbers were over a hundred.

"You all will be doing a week-long internship with pros soon and these are the offers you all received. Ibarra received the most with two hundred and eighty three, while the majority of you received none. Just in case you were curious, class 1-A had two students in the thousands range."

Everyone's heads dropped hearing that number, they didn't need to hear who it was because they already had an idea of who it was. Kendo knew there was a gap between her and Bakugo and Todoroki, but hearing that they received at least a thousand offers compared to her measly five was demoralizing to say the least.

"Now, for those that didn't receive an offer: you'll still be attending an internship. The school has pre-approved places that are always looking to help the new generation, so you'll be choosing from them. You have until Friday to turn in your forms. Are there any questions?"

The class remained silent.

"Alright, tomorrow Midnight will be joining to help you all pick hero names so start thinking of some tonight. Class dismissed."

Sounds of chairs moving filled the room as everyone began to pack up. Kendo could only sigh as she went to the front to hand out the lists of internship offers. She had already known the offer numbers before class since she was asked to put the packets together beforehand. Slowly everyone came and grabbed the packet with their names on it. After everything was passed out she was left with her packet and list of extra offers, the only notable offer was from Uwabami.

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