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"I'm so glad that the illustrious Phoenix could grace us with his presence today."

Midoriya was sitting in his usual corner of the bar. He had received a call the night before saying that he needed to come in for something important. He tried to press for details, but Shigaraki refused to give him any. The fact that he was now being snarky just pissed Midoriya off.

"Can you even spell illustrious?"

Shigaraki scoffed as he tapped on the bar. "E-L-"

"Alright, that's enough, I don't need you to use all your brain power this early." Pulling out his lighter, Midoriya proceeded to repeatedly spark it. "So, are you going to tell me why I had to be here today?"

Shigaraki sent a glare towards Midoriya. After taking a deep breath his expression returned to normal. "After the Hosu City attack I did some thinking and I decided that we needed to increase our numbers again. The three of us isn't enough, we need more allies to work with."

"So you're going to gather as many criminals as you can again? That didn't work out so well last time."

Shigaraki let out a sigh as he stopped tapping the bar. "No, no, no, I learned my lesson from that. I'm thinking on a smaller scale this time, no more than ten people."

Midoriya raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Alright, why such a small number?"

"A smaller yet more powerful team would be easier to manage. Thanks to the misunderstanding with the Hero Killer, our name is bigger than ever. We're going to use his name to strengthen our numbers."

Midoriya was honestly impressed, he couldn't believe the same person who just a month ago who's most complex plan was to kill All Might by throwing countless bodies at him had come up with this.

"That... that will actually work."

Shigaraki laughed to himself as he happily tapped the bar again. "Don't be shitty, I am the leader here."

"... Of course, how could I ever forget that..."

Shigaraki's tapping increased as he grew slightly annoyed. "Anyways, I need you here to help select who we should let join."

Again Midoriya was surprised at what Shigaraki had said; however this time it was out of curiosity and not shock.

"Why do you care about my input? I've been extremely clear about the fact that I'm out of here once I get the information I need."

"Yes, you've been abundantly clear, but that doesn't change the fact that you're with us now. The more successful we are, the better your chances are of getting that information. Given your background you know talent when you see it, I need your discerning eye."

Midoriya stopped sparking his lighter as he stared down Shigaraki. "Interesting, you're planning for the future instead of here and now."

"Don't sound so surprised, I've always had lofty goals."

"Alright, alright. So when are they going to get here?"

Shigaraki gave Kurogiri a slight nod allowing him to give the details.

"Giren has gathered a group of people and they are all waiting in one of our warehouses. Whenever we're ready I'll open a portal and they will come on one at a time. After we've gone through everybody we'll make our decision and bring those chosen back to go into more details about our plans."

Midoriya gave a nod of approval. "Alright, let's get this over with then."

"Kurogiri, send them in."

"Of course sir."

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