The Promise

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The weeks that came after the Hosu City incident were strangely peaceful for Midoriya. Word of the Hero Killer being captured spread like wildfire and within days everyone in Japan believed that he was connected to the League of Villains. This happy coincidence came from the rumors that had been circulating around Hosu City prior to the attack and the testimony of one high school student who confirmed seeing the two of them together. While the free publicity made Shigaraki happy, Midoriya was skeptical.

Truth be told he was certain that the media would be able to put together the fact that Phoenix was the one that turned the Hero Killers tongue to a bubbling mess. The only somewhat logical reason he could think of was that telling the country that they were together would cause less panic. Midoriya didn't truly believe this, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, at least not this time.

Once everything had settled down, Shigaraki had decided that they should stay quiet until he could think of their next move. Midoriya was honestly shocked hearing this come directly from Shigaraki's mouth, he could only wonder what was going through his head.

At the same time, Kai had also gone quiet. With his new supply of quirks and a new subject, he was happily testing away. Because of this Midoriya's only job was to watch Eri while he was in Osaka.

With his new abundance of free time he was looking forward to spending more time with Kendo; however, even that wasn't possible. She had her final exams coming up so all her free time was going into her studying and training. Sure the two of them talked daily and called each other from time to time, but it wasn't exactly what he was expecting.

Thankfully after three weeks, Kendo had completed her exams and was free again. Both her and Midoriya were excited and quickly made plans to meet up.

"Oh fuck Izuku, that feels amazing."

"Damn Itsuka, you're so tight."

"I know, but your fingers are like magic."

"I'm almost done, Itsuka."

"No Izuku, I'm begging you don't stop."

A timer rang out inside Midoriya's room; he carefully climbed off of Kendo to reset its thirty minute timer. He let out a sigh of relief as he laid next to her. Kendo on the other hand turned to him annoyed.

"Seriously Izuku, I was so close."

Midoriya closed his eyes as he rested his hands on his chest. "You knew the deal, thirty minutes on and thirty minutes off."

"But thirty minutes isn't nearly a long enough massage. These few weeks have been stressful and that's not even including the exams we had."

"I know Itsuka, but would you prefer my hands to cramp? If that happened I wouldn't be able to get all the knots out."

Kendo let out a deep sigh as she moved to rest her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, I don't want that happening."

Midoriya laughed softly as he ran a hand through Kendos hair. "So, are you gonna tell me about the exams?"

Leaning into his shoulder more, Kendo closed her eyes. "What do you want to know? The written exams took place over three days of straight testing, then they gave us a day off before we had our practical exam. It wasn't anything too special, we were just tested on the things we learned throughout the year."

"If it wasn't anything special then why were you saying everything was stressful?"

Kendo smirked as she opened an eye. "Obviously, I just wanted to get a free massage."

Midoriya's hand stopped running through Kendos hair. The pleasant feeling disappearing caused her to open both eyes with an annoyed expression.

"Why did you stop Izuku?"

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