A Night To Remember

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Midoriya took a deep breath as he stared at the night sky. The fresh mountain air was. Refreshing change of pace when he compared it to that of city air he was used to. The cool breeze felt amazing as he watched the stars in the sky illuminate the night. He wanted to enjoy this moment for as long as possible.

A cough came from behind him ruining his moment of peace. "I'm sorry Phoenix, but we are on a time limit, so shouldn't we start?"

Midoriya sighed as he took one last look at the sky before turning to face everyone. "Sorry, it would be such a shame to not enjoy a night like this for a moment."

"While normally I would agree with you, but with the stakes we have tonight it seems odd."

"Don't worry Mr. Compress. Just follow my plan and it will all work out." Midoriya pulled out a light and sparked a cobalt blue flame that danced onto his mask, fully enveloping it. "Mustard, go deep into the west side of the forest and release as much gas as possible."

Mustard nodded as he spun the cylinder of his revolver. "Consider it done."

Midoriya narrowed his eyes on the gun as Mustard put it back in its holster. A sinking feeling began to creep into his stomach.

'I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on him.'

"Twice and Mr. Compress, make your way to the building where the target is. Make sure you stay out of sight and only engage them with the clones."

"Of course."

"Sounds good to me." "This is stupid."

Midoriya turned to Toga and Moonfish. "You two go into the forest and cause a panic for the students that aren't in range of the gas. Just don't kill anyone."

"Can I take some of their yummy blood?"

Midoriya sighed as he hung his head. "Sure, just don't kill anyone."

"Deal!" Toga's face lit up with a feral smile as he twirled her knife in her hand.

"Spinner and Big Sis Mag, you'll distract the pro's that are with the students. Do you think you'll be able to buy enough time?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head sweetie. We won't have any trouble at all."

"Big Sis Mag is right. In the name of Stain, we will be victorious."

Midoriya nodded with approval. "Good, you have 45 minutes to get back here. Anyone who's not back in time will be left behind. Now get moving."

Everyone quickly left, leaving Midoriya and Dabi alone with Nomu. In his pocket he pulled out the remote to control Nomu and pressed the top button.

"Nomu, go capture the pro hero Ragdoll and bring her back to this spot alive. Also ignore any of the students you may run across."

After he let go of the button Nomu, screeched before walking into the forest. Once it was gone Dabi approached Midoriya.

"I'm guessing you left me out on purpose. Does that mean you have a special job for me?"

Midoriya nodded as he pulled his hood over his head. "Yeah, first I need you to set part of the forest on fire. We need it to look like we're trying to keep them from reaching the west east side of the forest. After that there's someone we're going to meet."

"Alright, but don't blame me if they combine with Mustard's, gas and this whole forest goes up in flames."

"They won't, I already tested it. The gas isn't flammable, surprisingly it gets pushed away from the flames."

From The AshesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon