It's Not Red, It's Orange

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~ "Say what you want, Deku, but you'll never be a better hero than me."

"You'll see, Kacchan, one day I'll be the greatest hero ever."

Two boys ran around the local park dreaming of the future. For these two this was a daily conversation, the constant back and forth of who would be the best fueled the flames of their dreams.

"Katsuki, Izuku, you two say goodbye. It's time to go."

"But, mom..."

"No buts, Katsuki. Izuku's dad just got back from a business trip."

"Fine... I'll see you later, Deku."

"Bye, Kacchan. Bye, Auntie Mitsuki."

"Get home safe, Izuku- and tell your parents hi for us."

The summer sun was beating down as he made his way home. The boy was so excited- his dad had been gone for a few weeks on a trip, showcasing his newest discovery about quirks. He was so excited that he didn't realize something wasn't right. As he turned into his driveway he stopped and looked at the ruins of what used to be his house.

"Izuku baby, stay back, it's dangerous!"

"Mom, dad!"

"Everything will be alright Izuku, just remember that your mother and I love you."

The house he had lived in had been reduced to ruble. His parents were trapped underneath, the happy life he had came to a stop. As he stared in disbelief he noticed three people standing behind it. He couldn't make out any of their faces, all he could see was a pair of piercing gold eyes. Their eyes locked onto each other, then the air around the boy began to heat up. ~

Sitting alone in a dark room a boy sits up while gasping for air. A cold sweat runs down his back as he tries to calm his breathing. Slowly he gets out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom. As the lights come on he's met by a face he knows all too well. Emerald eyes, dark green hair, and freckles with a diamond pattern on each cheek. These features belong to Izuku Midoriya.

He let out a deep sigh before washing his face. "That was the third time this month I've had that dream."

Once he finished in the bathroom he made his way into the living room. Sitting on a shelf was a picture of him with his parents before the accident. He softly smiled at it as he picked it up.

"It's hard to believe it's already been eight years. A lot has changed since then, but I'm sure you both know that already. I'm staying busy working at a motorcycle shop, It's actually run by the guy that saved me that day. I recently started living on my own, the boss set me up with a penthouse. The view overlooks Tokyo and is amazing at night. I wish you guys could see it."

After setting the picture down, he made his way into the kitchen to make breakfast. The clock on the stove showed it was a little before seven, he had an hour till he needed to be at work. His dream had woken him up earlier than he had wanted, but he saw no point in hoping for a few more minutes of sleep. As the kitchen was filled with the sounds of cooking, a phone started to ring. Midoriya's eyes narrowed on the name before answering.

"What do you want, Giran?"

"Morning kiddo, sorry about calling so early."

"Yeah, yeah, so do you have any other leads yet?

"Someone seems to be in a bad mood, did you not sleep well?"

"Enough, do you have any leads or not?"

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