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"So, how did your test go?"

Midoriya found himself sitting in a familiar office with Kai sitting across from him. His demeanor showed he was hoping for good news.

"I'd say it was a success, for the most part."

Kai's eyes widened momentarily before narrowing on Midoriya again. "What makes you say 'for the most part'?"

"Well, I was only able to get information with two bullets."

Kai's eyes narrowed more as he leaned forward. "What exactly are you telling me, Phoenix?"

"You gave me four shots and only two of them landed?"

"You idiot! How do you miss two shots? We spent time training you for this and when the time comes, you choke!"

Midori narrowed his eyes on Kai as his flames grew in size ever so slightly. "I didn't choke, I miscalculated. The last person was able to create things with their quirk faster than I anticipated, and they blocked the shots."

"You better not have left any evidence, Phoenix."

"Of course not, I incinerated all the rounds- leaving nothing but a pile of ash."

Kai let out a sigh, before relaxing into the couch a little. "Alright, well what did you find out then?"

"Well, I shot two people within a few seconds of each other to get the closest data possible. The first person was a girl, she had a transformation type quirk, the effects lasted roughly thirty minutes. When she was shot, her black wings that she can manifest disappeared. The other was a boy- he had a mutation type quirk. He has a tail and it went completely limp when shot and that lasted for about an hour."

"I see, that's very interesting. But it's still a shame you couldn't get an emitter-type quirk."

"I'm sure you and Kurono could easily find someone to run tests on."

"I suppose you're right, we could keep him at one of our other strongholds. Sadly, a missing person would raise suspicion, especially after that move you all pulled at UA."

Midoriya nodded. "Yeah, I guess just use one of the guys that's been pissing you off lately, I'm sure there's plenty of them."

"Now that I can get behind, it's clean and leaves no traces. Did you have anything else to report?"

Midoriya looked towards the door that would lead to Kai's lab. The glance didn't go unnoticed by Kai.

"Actually, I wanted to know more about what you plan to do and how this drug will work."

Kai sighed before standing up. "Follow me and don't touch anything."

Midoriya silently followed Kai into his lab, it was the first time he'd physically been inside the room. Seeing all the equipment and notes he had made caused Midoriya to realize how much work actually went into this, and that was just a fraction of it. Kai eventually came to a stop in front of a centrifuge. He pulled out a small vile that had blood separated into separate parts.

"Simply, we're using the DNA in Eri's blood to create a drug that rewinds some back to a time before quirks existed."

"So devolving them."

Kai carefully put the vile back as he stared at a giant whiteboard that was full of formulas. "That depends on what theory you believe in. Some believe that quirks are the next step in human evolution. I can see how that makes sense, but the rate at which they're evolving is causing worry, their bodies are weaker than the quirk, causing extreme backlash. In time, they won't be able to control their quirks and the human race will die out or exponentially shrink and all that will be left is the quirkless to rebuild."

From The AshesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin