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A few weeks had passed since Kendo had asked Midoriya to come to the sports festival and much to everyone's delight, things had gone back to normal. To everyone's knowledge, the League of Villains had gone back into hiding after their failed attempt to kill All Might. That being said, the attack still caused ripples and one of those ripples was the media focusing on the first years of UA, specifically 1-A. While most people didn't seem to mind a spotlight on the class, there was one person that seemed to be taking it poorly.

"I can't believe it, everyone's fawning over 1-A just because they survived an attack. This is a hero school, surviving an attack is literally the least you could do."

Monama was pacing back and forth in the waiting room of the arena. Everyone in the room seemed to let out a collective sigh since he was on another one of his rants again. Having had enough, Kendo decided to speak up.

"That's enough Monama, you're the only one that compares our classes."

Monama stopped and turned to Kendo with a smile. "That's exactly my point. They're not comparing us, because they believe we're so far below them that it's not close."

Kendo gently began to rub her temples. "Have any of them ever said anything remotely close to that?"


"Then shut up."

"But their actions and the way they carry themselves speak volumes. They're always walking around in their cliques, refusing to talk to anyone that's not in their class."

Kendo's mouth hung open as she looked at him stunned. "Do you actually believe the words that come out of your mouth?"

Monama laughed softly. "But we will no longer be inferior to them. Today we will once and for all show the world that class 1-B is superior to 1-A. The media that they love so much will be turned against them."

Tetsutetsu, who had been roused by the idea of competition, slammed his hand on the table. "I like the sound of that, let's beat 1-A!"

"That's the spirit, Tetsutetsu, and I have the perfect plan." Monama began to maniacally tap his fingers together. "The sports festival has always been three rounds, with the third one being some form of tournament. We should hang back in the first round and see what everyone can do."

Tetsutetsu stood up, upset at the idea. "That's not manly at all! We should be aiming for the top right out of the gates!"

Monama shook his head. "Relax, Tetsutetsu, this is just purely reconnaissance. We'll still aim for the top forty, that way we have a great view of 1-A while holding our cards close to our chest. We can see, firsthand, what they'll do and plan accordingly from there. Then in the second round, we go all out, securing as many tournament spots as we can."

Monama began to laugh as more of the class began to like his idea. Kendo could only shake her head in irritation. As much as she wanted to deny it, she couldn't, his plan made sense and it would work. That being said every fiber of her being was telling her to go all out from the beginning, it was all she ever knew when it came to competition.

As Kendo tried to ignore everything Monama was saying a familiar hand began to pat her back.

"It's alright, Itsuka, just think about showing off for lover boy."

Kendo looked up at her friend's toothy smile with slight annoyance. "I'm not trying to show off for him, Setsuna."

Tokage crossed her arms as she looked at her friend in disbelief. "Seriously..."

Kendos cheeks gained an ever so faint tint of pink as she looked away. "Alright, maybe I do just a little bit, but sue me for trying to look good for my boyfriend."

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