chapter 25: God knows to turn the table

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Book 1, Number 0217:
It is narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. Mas'ud that some people said to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him): Messenger of Allah, would we be held responsible for our deeds committed in the state of ignorance (before embracing Islam)? Upon his he (the Holy Prophet) remarked: He who amongst you performed good deeds in Islam , He would not be held responsible for them (misdeeds which he committed in ignorance) and he who committed evil (even after embracing Islam) would be held responsible or his misdeeds that he committed in the state of ignorance as well as in that of Islam.

It's been a three months . She didn't visit her home or family. She was busy looking after patients . No proper sleep , No proper food , Just work !!Resting time has not even peeked her way . Although it was exhausting she stilll tried her best to put a happy face.  Her happy face could make patients brave ,atleast that's what she thought.

"Doctor there is a patient who is positive with tests" nurse came to her

"And ,what's her condition??"shabana ask her

" she is serious and have cardiac disease"nurse report her firmly

"Ugh!! this is worst!! come bring her to the isolation"shabana order the nurse

"Yes doctor"nurse replies and do as she was ordered.  Shabana comes to the isolation room ,fully covered with a white gown . Her face hidden beneath it . People could barely recognise her .but she recognised the patient.

"Mom "she runs to her mother-in-law crying "why didn't you come early to the hospital??this disease is  too dangerous for patients like you who have angina and asthma together"she explicited whilst checking her temperature

"People around us scared me "she replies innocently "i  can't even breathe properly"she cries

"Don't be scared !!these situation you need to be brave. Its just a  small fever and will go off very soon "she comfort her "why didn't you ask farhana to checkup  "she question her

"I asked her  but she was scared to visit our home. Her husband also didn't let her to come because of fazwa, so she told me to stay home and take asthma medicine"she replied 

"And Where is Farhan ??" Shabana Ask her curiously

"He has gone abroad for some case  three month ago "she replied to her

"And Dad ?" She question again

"He is waiting outside !!"she replies

"Okay then,please take this medicine it will get your fever down "she handle her some analgesic "Take this for now and do steaming . Don't forget to take your regular medicine for angina "she adds

"Okay "she agrees and tries to excuse herself  to talk to her father-in-law  but her mother-in-law stops her

"Shabana iam sorry  for all the horrible things I have done to you "she starts to sob heavily and that breaks shabanas heart."don't be angry with me?? Please stay with me "she begs her

"Mom I am not angry with you . I will never be !!you are just like my mother . Why will I be angry with you ??"shabana calms her holding her hand tightly"also your condition is not suitable to talk such useless things. you need some rest .so mom please take rest "she adds

"But shabana" she cries

"It's ok we can talk later "shabana leave the room and ask one of her close nurses to look after her .


"Dad situation here is bad please go home .I will take care of mom "shabana tell her father-in-law as soon as she spots him

"Shabana you are too good for our family. iam sorry about everything. I always trusted you dear but I didn't try to help you because I couldn't go against my wife and daughter .I always had this feeling that something is wrong and you will never do things like that .please tell me that what I am thinking is right.tell me that you didn't do anything"he says holding her two hands more like begging for answer ,while his eyes started to shred tears

"Dad there is no use . Farhan don't believe me anymore"she tells him loosening her hand from his grip to rub the peaky tears that started to cover her cornea

"Tell me what actually happened that day !!I trust you shabana . I want to know the truth "he  insist her " why did you meet Akram??"he ask her

"I didn't meet him.someone must have plotted this .i wonder who and why did they do that !!exactly a week before my sister's engagement a boy got into accident near hospital and when I went to see ,he stood and fainted hugging me .he was wearing mask so I couldn't recognise his face.  his cuts were minor but still he fainted,i thought he had heamophobia, turns out it was Akraam and someone was doing the vedio "she delineate "I wonder who have access to hospital like this "she adds absent mindly

"Farhana she must have did this !!ugh that brat . I knew she was upto no good "he  rebuke loudly

"Dad that can't be her!!she is not like that"shabana confront him

"She isn't I know  but her husband is !!He wanted to takeover my business. He knew Farhan was not interested but  your marriage must have scared him . That's why he used farhana to do these things. And farhanas mother must have helped her."he elaborate her  "You don't worry dear .I will make farhan understand everything.i will help you to get things clear between both "he comfort her

"There is no use dad . He will not believe me.even if he believes I won't be able to trust him.once the  trust is lost it can't be gained easily. I can never trust him back after listening  to his words. He lost me already. "She tell him with teary eyes " anyways I will leave to abroad for my further studies next week " she adds and that shake him "You  will do studies in abroad ??what about farhan and marriage?? Have you thought about that ??why did you take such decision all of sudden ??are you happy with this decision??"he ask her concernedly

"I don't know. I think this is the best thing I should do at the moment. This offer came to me when I was feeling helpless so definitely I will not decline it for anything.also this is my dream . studying there is like my dream come true .so don't worry ,I will be totally fine"she assured him

"God does good to those who do good . See your mother did bad for you and  god served her back . god knows to turn table.see how she has now come to ask your help when there were thousands of other doctor   "he asservate

"Dad don't say like that .she will feel bad . She is suffering already " she Hush him

"You deserve better dear . I can't believe we lost a gem like you .please don't leave farhan or our family. I request you from the bottom of my heart to re-think about  Changing your thoughts on Farhan"he implored her hoping to change her mind .but she was determined

"I think Farhan should change his mind first "she tells him and leave the room bidding Salam.

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