chapter 11: Their nikah

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Sunan Ibn Majah 1846

It was narrated from Aishah that:

the Messenger of Allah said: “Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for I will boast of your great numbers before the nations. Whoever has the means, let him get married, and whoever does not, then he should fast for it will diminish his desire.”

It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that:

the Messenger of Allah said: “There is nothing like marriage, for two who love one another.”


"Mr farhan Ahmed, do you agree to take  miss shabana farook as your rightful wife  by keeping this diamond necklace as mahr " the qazi asked him   in Mike so that everybody around him can hear especially the two witnesses.

He stayed calmed for a second , sighed a happy relief and  then replied with "yes I do"

It's been ages since he started wishing to marry her so  badly . No women ever impacted him of love which she did .  May be for her that he have changed his mind on marriage orelse after looking at all those divorce cases , he had  promised himself that he would never marry. But somewhere after meeting her his heart felt like ,he too needs a wife , who could take care of , atleast someone who would never leave him. His insecurities about marriage and divorce had passed such an extent that ,no women ever dared to cross his rock heart until she melted it .

"Do you "the imam asked him again , until it was three times and then when he agreed ,the qazi continued with kutba  . He recited few ayath , once the  ritual was completed   he declared them as married .the moment he waited for so long finally over within an hour. Everyone hugged and congratulated him . Meanwhile at  shabanas place everyone congratulated and hugged her once they got call from their uncle.

They were all busy chit chatting , laughing and teasing shabana,  she  got call from farhana informing that all of their family members are going to come to her home . The moment farhana cuts the call , shabna started to panick   something that she never felt , a different mixed feeling . May be like a butterfly flying in a stopped or perhaps may be  a whole animals roming in her stomach or something like that. 

" Does that mean he will come too ?Eww ...what if  he touch me ??? what if he holds my hand ???ugh !!!I will stand there quite like as if time stopped. Now only iam feeling like my heart raced to its peak level . If he holds my hand then damn !!my heart will stop beating for once .aaahh!!!what Is happening to me ??my cardiovascular system has changed its rhythm and now its system started to work different..uff.. what kind of doctor am I,  who can't control her self " thoughts on her brain started to drive her crazy .

"Dee jeeju came" shameena said running towards her . Since it was small house and many guests were there , things were misplaced and kept here and there, so shameena ran to clean shabanas room,meanwhile shahana went to do dishes and shamna went to serve refreshments to guests .


She heard the noise of room being locked. She knew it was him.  He was here!!in her room!!alone!! "Uff....what will he do to me?how will I react?"she was panicking out of fear . This moment she felt like her heart stopped beating . " No this can't be happening!!I should be on cloud nine " her conscience was yelling .  It was her first time talking to a non mehram or being alone with any non mehram in a room.

"Ummm... "he stammered

"Shabana " she said looking him stammer

"Haha... I know your name , remember?? I sent the proposal "he said  laughing out loud.

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