chapter 8: where is she ?

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السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمُ أَهْلَ الدِّيَارِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمِينَ وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ بِكُمْ لَاحِقُونَ نَسْأَلُ اللَّهَ لَنَا وَلَكُمُ الْعَافِيَةَ

Assalaamu 'alaykum 'ahlad-diyaari, minal-mu'mineena walmuslimeena, wa 'innaa 'in shaa' Allaahu bikum laahiqoona [wa yarhamullaahul-mustaqdimeena minnaa walmusta'khireena] 'as'alullaaha lanaa wa lakumul- 'aafiyata.

Oh Muslims residing here, salaams on you, by the will of Allah we will also be coming to you. We seek safety for us and you.

Muslim 2:671, Ibr Majah 1:494

Neseema tried calling her for several times , but she didn't pick. Her phone was constantly yelling  at her that the other phone was switched off. So she immediately rushed to hospital. She was scared by shabanas phone being off  ,all of a sudden " What is she doing , is she nuts , tomarrow is her nikah " she yelled still trying to call her . She was moving towards the receptionist like a crazy woemen being held by a small girl that was shamna .she knew this is the only place that shabana visit even if  she was busy . But to her surprise the receptionist informed that, she had  just left the hospital . Panicking she ran towards  the nearby park that shabana liked the most but unfortunately she wasn't even there" so there could be only one place that shabana would  have gone " she said to shamna . She knew she would find her there for sure.


The moment shabana reached there she recited the dua " Assalaamu 'alaykum 'ahlad-diyaari, minal-mu'mineena walmuslimeena, wa 'innaa 'in shaa' Allaahu bikum laahiqoona [wa yarhamullaahul-mustaqdimeena minnaa walmusta'khireena] 'as'alullaaha lanaa wa lakumul- 'aafiyata."this was the dua one should tell when a person visits grave

"Dad...." shabana's cried touching the grave that was right in front of her eyes with a name written in it which was also known as her second name " farooq ". she knew it was haram to visit any grave yard without mehram but she had no option . He was the only mehram she ever had . So she thought may be this one time she will visit him without bringing her mehram.

She knelt down still crying her heart out ." dad your girl has grown now , she is going to be someone's wife tomorrow, I wish you were here on my special day . Its all planned by allah and  he does everything for good. I know  You will be happy knowing about your daughter  . When I realised who will stand for me as my wali , I suddenly started to miss you . " she said busting into tears . Then she suddenly stops weeping , when she remembered that we shouldn't cry like that . She remembered the hadith where prophet s.a says " deceased will be punishment for the crying of his family over him".

" iam sorry dad ... I... I won't cry may allah grant you jannah " she prayed getting up " i promise next time insha allah I will visit your grave  with my mehram " she added Turning and walking away  towards her scooty when she spotted a familiar face .

" Mom....shamna " she blurted before running towards them and hugged them , then she started to cry .

"It's OK shabna... your dad is always with us , in our heart " Her mother calmed her

"Mom who will be my wali ,what have I done to deserve this , having no wali to stand for nikah " she cried still trying to rub her tears that was falling off like stream

"Shaban sometimes allah always find a way to lift away  his abdis burden, so sends his answers very fast , sometimes he delays . But he never keep their dua unanswered  because he has promised us that,  he will not burden a soul beyond it can bear in surah baqrah . He delays because, Its his plan and he wants us to stick to it " she  articulated explaining the verse of quran "As for your wali ,hasim bro agreed to stand as your  wali " she exclaimed squeezing her into tight hug crying out the tears of happiness as she told her daughter the good news

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