chapter 31: Granny's home

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“And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance” [Al-Ahzab 33:33].

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Woman is 'awrah (i.e, she should not display herself in front of men), and if she goes out, the devil raises his hopes (of misguiding her). She is never closer to Allah than when she stays in her house.” (Narrated by Ibn Hibban and Ibn Khuzaymah; classed as authentic by Al-Albani in As-Silsilah As-Shahihah, no. 2688)


“Their houses are better for them.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud (567) and classed as authentic by Al-Albani in Sahih Abu Dawud)


After eight years

shabana was sitting on the sofa talking to her husband on the phone .shameena and shahana were in the kitchen helping their mother.shamna was sitting in the room preparing for her seventeenth interview .All the kids were playing in the hall .

"Mamma yasreen hit me " khateeja came crying towards shabana.

"She hit me first aunty"yasreen defend herself sobbing heavily. Both of their cry was shaking the whole house .Yasreen is shameena's daughter.she is six years old , While khateeja was seven years old.she just came back with shameena from abroad along with her twin brothers. They were living with rijaz happily till her mother in law got sick, she came back running here to look after her. While rijaz stayed back as he couldn't get leave. Khateeja is studying in second standard while yasreen was in first .yasreens younger brother's name was azgar and Akbar ,who were the naughtiest grand kids of the family .shahana had only one son labeeb who was now just three year old, Same age as twins . All the sister's came to their mother's home to meet shameena who came back to India after many years.

"Aaaah!! iam done with these kids . every one make your product shut up .I can't take it anymore"shamna scream frustrated. She completed Master's in pharmaceutical management three months ago and was hunting for job since then. She got rejected after giving sixteen  face interview. it was her seventeenth  interview which she was called.she was preparing with all effort. She didn't wanted to loose this job .it was from a reputed college which was run by a multi billionaire company just like wasims. She applied for assistant professor position.she desperately needed that job because,if she got that job ,it meant her life would be settled . Her dream of doing PhD would become easier.

"Don't tell like that shamna!! when you get kids you will also have to deal with it . You can't escape from marriage for a very time " Shahana says to her  coming out of the kitchen hearing her scream

"Yes ,we will also get opportunity to tell the same thing when you will have your product "shabana says laughing

"Enough...iam done with these drama"  she  close the door and lock her room.after the girls got married,they moved into a bigger home.

"Mom I think it's time we get her married" shameena tell to her mom whilst washing the dishes

"Yes shameena ,I was thinking the same."she agreed and called other two girls to the kitchen

"all of you tell your spouses to find her a good guy "their mother order

"Have you ever asked whether she liked anyone" shahana ask her

"No ,but the way she act I don't think she like anyone or have anyone in mind . She is only obsessed with books, studies and job "her mother laugh

"Make sense mom"shabana agree laughing

"I hope she gets her knight in shining Armor soon "shahana murmer

"Insha allah "their mother Mutter and all the sisters mumble ameen

"Iam going to cook fish maqluba so help me cut veggies" she order the girls

"Mamma khateeja don't eat fish "shabana object

"What ,you should make her eat . It got lot of mineral constituents " their mother chided

"Yes mamma but she doesn't listen "shabana fend off

"Then how do you manage her food??"she ask eagerly

"My mother in law cook other dish for her . I tell her not to cook but she simply say that I will get burdened if I manage both house and work "shabana reply straight forward praising her mother in law

"My mother in law does the same shahana adds. She doesn't even let me touch a thing. She says that maid aunty will do everything. You only serve your husband .even sometimes when I go to work she take care of  labeeb . I feel so blessed "shahana admit

"Same with my mother in law, Sometimes I feel  she is mom !!"shameena added

"Haha.. alhamdulillah!!when I hear stories about evil mother in law I feel blessed "shahana babble

"It's not about evil or good shanu,it's all depend on how you treat . If you treat them like your mother , they will treat you like their daughter but sometimes people do partiality between daughter and daughter in law  which is why all these issues arise. but in the modern era all  mother in law act like friends . You should be thank ful for that .in olden days  there were such mother in law you will not believe me" Their mother tell them about her harsh experience with her mother in-law who was a strict bad women.

"Alhamdulillah" Every one mutter.

"I hope she gets selected for the interview .she didn't eat properly. She was preparing for a  week now"their mother mumble sadly

"Yes shabbu dee even I saw  . I hope she gets selected. "Shahana prays

"Insha allah .  ameen"  Shameena murmer

"She doesn't want to work in our company.wasim offered job more than a hundred times but she refused saying she want to get job without influence on her own to prove her ability.i don't know what is in her mind.its not easy to get job in this competitive world , people need to have influence in someway to get into good company" shahana explicit worriedly

"Don't worry shanu ,our shamna will make it someday .I believe in her " Shabana solace her

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