Chapter 35: Totally Defeated

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  The Jin Wu Wei immediately stopped.

  Yaoying gestured at Xie Qing to lift Concubine Rong's red and swollen face.

  Concubine Rong knelt in front of the steps, her face bruised and swollen, angry but also afraid, trembling from head to toe.

  Yaoying looked at her, "Ah Qing is the Xie family's family general, my most loyal escort, not a domestic slave."

  Xie Qing's back secretly straightened, and a flash of pride flashed across the perpetually cold face.

  Yaoying's words switched topics, "Your original name is Ah Rong, a servant girl of the Xie family. Back then, you climbed into your master's bed behind my aniang's back. My uncle knew your nature and did not destroy your slave contract. You are still a servant of the Xie family and my aniang is your longtime master. You dare to disrespect your master, these few slaps are considered a small punishment."

  Concubine Rong was so angry that she trembled: "Bengong was personally bestowed as Concubine Rong by His Majesty himself! You wait, bengong will have His Majesty properly discipline you! You have no respect. You deserve to be sent to marry!"

  Yaoying smiled faintly, like a spring flower in full bloom: "The Yelu tribe wants to ask for my hand in marriage. His Majesty and the ministers in the court are expecting to exchange me for Yelu's cavalry. Ah Rong, you share His Majesty's pillow and should know His Majesty better than anyone else. Think about it. Right now, would His Majesty provoke me for your sake?"

  Concubine Rong froze, her mouth opening and closing weakly. Her anger was gradually replaced by fear, and she trembled even more.

  At that moment, the soft sound of horse hooves clattered from the bottom of the long steps.

  The Jin Wu Wei followed the sound. At the sight of the person on horseback, their faces showed surprise. They sheathed their swords and greeted him respectfully.

  Two eunuchs couldn't care less to read out the marriage-granting edict, dashing into the hall to report.

  "Duke Pei is here! Duke Pei is here!"

  Below the palace steps, several court officials gathered around a tall and robust white horse and helped the elderly man dismount.

  The old man's head was bound in a muslin headwrap, and he wore a round-necked indigo robe. His face was aged, his hair gray, and he was quite old; he stopped to catch his breath not even after taking two steps.

  "Duke Pei!"

  From the front hall, from the curved corridor to the moon platform, came an enthusiastic shout. Several eunuchs, by Li De's order, hurried out carrying a soft sedan to the elderly man.

  "His Majesty is very happy that Duke Pei is here. He has brought several ministers to welcome you, inviting Duke Pei to ride the sedan and enter the hall!"

  Duke Pei had already entered old age, and he looked absentminded, his eyes covered in a hazy sheen. He lifted his face, looked around, and his eyes fell on Yaoying.

  Joy instantly surfaced on Concubine Rong's face.

  The Pei family of Wei County were long-time friends of the Li family. When Li De was rising in power, the entire Pei family followed. All of Duke Pei's brothers and sons died in battle, and he himself was seriously injured trying to save Li De. Though he saved a life, his own health completely deteriorated. Since then, he had been staying in Wei County to recuperate.

  Li De deeply respected Duke Pei and once said in public that Duke Pei was like his own father.

  Conversely, the Pei family and the Xie family did not get along. The whole world was aware and Duke Pei has repeatedly and publicly expressed contempt for Xie Wuliang.

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