~ Chapter Thirty-One ~

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Music - Let's Go Lando!

"Mads? I need your opinion on this and please be honest" he says as he walks into his room where she is sitting on the bed. "Yeah? What is it?" she says and he sits on the bed with his MacBook in hand. "What would you think of me doing karting professionally? I've been thinking about it lately and have been talking to Alex, George & Oscar and they all said I should" Lando says while showing her a karting group that would be willing to take him. "I found a group that would take me even though I've only been karting for a few months" he says. "You should go for it, Lan! This could be what you are meant to do!" Madi says. "Should I send an email with a reply?" he says. "Yes!!!! Lando this is your future here!!! Come on, baby!!!" she says and he opens up the mail app. "Sent!" he says as he sends his reply and they both wait for them to confirm. 10 minutes later... Lando receives an email back. "I'm in!!!!!" he says as he pulls Madi into his arms and kisses her. "My baby is gonna be in formula 1 one day!!!!!" she says and he laughs. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here" he says and she giggles. "There's nothing saying that you can't now!!! I can see it now!!! Lando Norris: formula 1 world champion" she says and he laughs. "That does sound pretty cool" he says.

March 2024. Lando's first karting race.

"I'm nervous, Madi... I'm gonna fuck it up..." he says and Madi softly slaps his cheek. "You're not gonna fuck it up, baby. You're too good to fuck it up and that's not just me saying it because I'm your girlfriend. That's me saying it because it's facts. Now, go kick some ass and show everyone who Lando Norris is" she says as she passes him his helmet. "I love you, Mads" he says. "I love you too, Lan" she says as she pulls his face to hers and kisses him softly she pulls him for a tight hug.

Lando finally gets into the kart and Madi goes to sit with his family. "Come on, Lan. You've got this" she whispers to herself. Lando takes the first few laps slowly as he starts to get himself used to the kart. Soon enough, Lando starts overtaking. He ends up overtaking 4 other karts in a lap and continues to overtake until he's in the lead. Madi stands up with tears in her eyes as she watches him take the lead. "Yes!!!! That's my boy!!!!" she says. He spends the rest of the race at the front and eventually crosses the line and wins his first karting race. "Oh my god!!!!! Yes, Let's Go Lando!!!!" she screams and runs to where the karts park. She runs into his arms and kisses his helmet where his lips would be. "My boyfriend is a fucking race winner!!!!!" she says while trying to take his helmet off. Once she takes it off, she immediately presses her lips onto his. "I'm so proud of you, baby" she says once they finally part. "Thank you, sweetheart. This means the world to me" he says while holding her close. "I love you so much" she says before quickly kissing him again. "I love you too" he says. "I've gotta go on the podium a minute, I will be right back" he says as he runs to get his trophy. He stands on the top step of the podium with George on the 2nd step and Oscar on the 3rd. Of course, they all spray each other with non-alcoholic champagne and Lando immediately starts running to Madi. "No!!! You're soaking wet!!! I don't wanna get wet!!!!" she shouts while running from him. Eventually he catches her and presses her to him and ruffles his own curls so all the champagne goes on her. "I hate you so much" she says. "Awww, I hate you too" he says before kissing her. "Apparently they are having a party for me too!!!" he says and she smiles. "That sounds cool!! But let's go back to our hotel and get cleaned up. We're all sticky from the champagne" she says.

30 minutes into the party, Lando is already drunk. Madi is sat with the boy's girlfriends. Lily, Oscar's girlfriend, Carmen, George's girlfriend and Lily, Alex's girlfriend. Lando comes over to Madi and immediately starts smothering her in kisses. Madi immediately smells the alcohol from Lando. "Lan... I told you not to get drunk" she says. "Yeah, yeah. I know. But you know what? It's your fault really. You're just so fucking sexy and irresistible" he says while trying to kiss her boobs. "Where did you even get the alcohol? We are 16. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't sell alcohol to someone under 18" she says and he shrugs. "Some random dude... I don't know.. just kiss me, Madi" he says and she holds his face and doesn't let him kiss her. "Fucks sake, Lan. You're completely pissed. How am I meant to deal with you tonight? You are impossible to take care of when you are pissed like this" she says and he giggles like a little girl while nuzzling into her neck. "I'm not impossible to take care of. I'm just a little tipsy... Plus, it's fun this way! Now come on and dance with me!" he says while pulling her up to dance. "Lan.. you're so drunk" she says. "And you're so beautiful, my cute girl" he says while pulling her close to him. "Look, I love you and I know this is your party but I'm taking you back to the hotel because you're too drunk" she says while pulling him through the crowd.

Once they get back to the hotel, Madi changes him so he's wearing some sweats on the bottom but leaves him shirtless and she knows that he will probably get hot during the night. She looks in her suitcase and finds some shorts and a small crop top to put on and she puts her hair up in a messy bun. She walks over to the bed where Lando is laying and sits next to him while stroking his head. "Madi... I love you... you're the best girlfriend ever" he says and she smiles. "I hope that's the sober Lando talking from inside this drunk Lando" she says and he nods. "It is.. I promise.. I love you, Madi... forever and always" he says and she smiles as she lays down next to him. "I love you too, baby" she says. Lando moves closer to her and rests his head on her chest as well as wrapping his arms around her. "I've got you, baby. I love you so much, even when you're drunk like this" she says while playing with his curls. Lando mumbles "I love you too" before completely passing out on top of her.

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