~ Chapter Two ~

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Music - Cruel Summer

Science was boring for both of them and Lando spent most of the lesson on his phone and teasing Madi. Madi was surprised that he didn't get caught because it was so obvious that he was on his phone. Now they are sitting in the drama studio once again cuddled in each other's arms. Madi took out her phone for only a few seconds before feeling Lando take her phone and look at her lockscreen. "I love that pic of us" Lando says and kisses her cheek. "Same. And every time I look at my phone I get reminded of who makes me the happiest" Madi says and then puts her phone away. "I don't think I will ever get tired of you cuddling me" she says while wrapping her arms around his neck. "Neither, baby. I would cuddle you for the rest of my life if I could" he says while pulling her onto his lap and holding her waist tightly. "I swear I have permanent butterflies when you are around" she says which makes him blush "good. I'm glad I have that effect on you" he says. "I hope I make you blush for the rest of your life" she says which he smiles at "I think I can live with that" he says while nuzzling his head into her neck. Soon after the bell went for their next lessons which were the last lessons of the day but unfortunately they weren't in the same lessons. "I will meet you outside your class" Lando says before giving her one last kiss. "Ok, baby. I love you" Madi says. "I love you too, beautiful girl" he says before they finally go to their lessons.

After their last lessons, Madi saw Lando coming towards her class "hey, beautiful girl" Lando says as he wraps his arms around her and then picks her up. "Oh, so I don't get a choice on if I come with you?" Madi says as he picks her up bridal style. "Nope. It's my 16th and you're coming with me" he says which makes her giggle slightly as she rests her head on his shoulder while he carries her out of the school and to his house. Once he puts her down he opens the door to see all his family and friends. "Happy birthday, baby" Madi says which Lando immediately responds to by kissing her. Lando & Madi quickly changed out of their uniform and Lando went running to his presents. He opened them all within the space of 5 minutes. Eventually it came to the last two presents. One from Madi & one from his parents, Adam & Cisca. He opens her present first and is left speechless when he sees what's inside. "Mads... and you tell me not to spend so much money on you!! How much did these cost??" he says to her while holding up tickets to Taylor Swift eras tour. "Doesn't matter. It makes you happy" she says while pretty much copying his words from a few times when he's said that him spending shit tons of money on her doesn't matter. "Baby. Tell me how much they were." he says while looking her in the eyes. Madi looks at him and pretends to cough "£350" and coughs again to cover how much. "Madi!!!!! You can't be spending that on me!!" Lando says while looking directly at her. "That's where you're wrong. I spent about £175 on myself. Just don't ask where I got the money because that's another story" she says before looking at Adam and mouthing the words "thank you" which Lando obviously noticed and laughed a bit. "Thank you, baby. How did you know I love Taylor Swift though?" he says which makes Madi laugh. "I'm your girlfriend. I know everything. Also it's not a surprise when I've literally heard you blasting Cruel Summer like 500 times before" she says which makes Lando immediately go red. "No comment." he says before kissing her cheek and then opening his parents present which was a brand new camera for his photography. "You did not!!! Oh my god this is the exact one I wanted!!!! Thank you!!!" Lando says before running into his parents arms and then returning to Madi. Lando looks at her and then looks at the alcohol. "Lando!!! No!!!" Madi says and looks him dead in the eyes. We know what happens when you get pissed. "and..... it's my 16th. Let me have something" he says while giving her puppy dog eyes which she can't escape. "Fine. But if anyone is getting extremely pissed tonight; it's me" she says before looking at Mason who is downing shots "or maybe my brother".

Surprisingly, Madi didn't get drunk but Lando definitely did. Lando was basically blackout drunk by the end of the night and Madi was more convinced that he was more pissed off that he wouldn't be able to have his first time with her than being so drunk that he can't function but Madi wasn't that bothered. Madi just wanted to look after Lando for the night. Once everyone had left and Lando's family went to bed it left the couple on the sofa cuddled up. "you ok, baby?" she says while stroking his head which is resting on her chest. All she hears from Lando is a small murmur which she could translate as "not really. I've felt better." She continues to stroke his hair and kisses his head a few times. "Try and sleep, baby" she says before grabbing the blanket from the side of the sofa and putting it on top of Lando who is falling asleep completely on top of Madi. "I love you, my sweet boy" she says and holds his hand as if he is a baby which she feels him squeeze her hand back 3 times which she knew was him saying "i love you" back.

Madi knows Lando will sleep through the night but what state he will be in the morning is a completely different question...

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