~ Chapter Twenty-Three ~

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Music - Angels

New Year's Eve. 11:57pm.

"Come on, Lan!!! I wanna see the fireworks!!!" she says as she drags Lando by his hand through the crowd of people at the London Eye. "I also want my New Year's kiss" she says which makes him laugh slightly. "Of course, baby. I couldn't imagine not giving you a New Year's kiss" he says once they finally find a spot. "Are you warm enough, baby?" he says while holding her close. "Yeah, I'm ok, baby. But keep cuddling me" she says which makes him smile as he tries to hold her as close as possible. "Oh my god. 15 seconds until 2024" she says.


Lando immediately presses his lips onto hers as they hit midnight. It's the best kiss Madi has ever had. It was as if it was their first kiss all over again. It was magical and perfect. "Here's to a new year which will be filled with adventures that we will share" he says while holding her close as they watch the fireworks with the music playing in the background. Angels by Robbie Williams to be exact. "I love you so much, Lan" she says. "I love you too, baby" he says as he kisses her forehead and watches the fireworks with her.

The fireworks end 10 minutes later and Madi immediately sees Lando yawn. "Aww is my little baby tired?" she says and he nods. "Come on, let's go home" she says before walking to the train with him so they can go back home. As soon as they get back to his, Madi lays on the bed and sees Lando taking off his hoodie and leaves himself in only his shorts which to Madi means, he wants to sleep. "Awww does my boy need some cuddles" she says as she opens her arms for him. Lando nods and lays on top of Madi and puts his head on her chest. "you're so cuddly tonight. I love you so much" she says and he smiles. "I love you too, Mads. More than words can say" he says while snuggling into her as he starts to fall asleep with her.

"Morning, baby... Did I keep you warm last night?" he says as he wakes up. "It felt like I was cuddling a big teddy bear" she says, which makes him laugh. "I always try" he says as he continues to lay on her chest and places his hand on her boob. "You just can't keep your hands off them, can you?" she says while laughing. "Guilty! It's not my fault that I'm attracted to them" he says. "Anyways, what should we have for breakfast? Pancakes? Eggs? Sausages?" he says and she smirks. "I want a specific sausage" she says as she looks down at him. "I'm sure that can be arranged" he says with a smirk before he quickly kisses her lips and gets up. "Come on, let's go make something" he says as he puts his hand out for her to pull her off the bed. "Ok, baby" she says as he pulls her from the bed and takes her downstairs.

Once they get to the kitchen, Madi gets all the ingredients to make pancakes and grabs some flour which she throws onto him. "You did not." he says after he squeals from Madi throwing flour at him. He looks at the flour and throws some at her too. She laughs while he holds her in his arms, both of them covered in flour. Lando looks at her for a second and realises once again how much he loves her. She's his soulmate and he feels so lucky to have her. He looks at her and presses his lips on hers and it feels perfect. Life is perfect for the couple. They found their happiness in the form of each other and neither of them are ever gonna let it go. "I love you so much...." she says while looking into his ocean eyes. "I love you too..." he says with a massive smile as he holds her close. "Come on, let's make these pancakes and then we can have some cuddles" she says and he nods. "I'm having cuddles now" he says from behind her as he wraps his arms around her waist while she makes the pancakes. Yeah, there's an absolute mess in the kitchen but they are creating memories. Memories that will last a lifetime.

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