~ Chapter Ten ~

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Music - Dear Darlin

They didn't talk for a week. The hardest week ever. They both tried to act normal and as if nothing happened but everyone could tell that they were both more depressed than ever. Life felt like it was going in slow motion. They never officially broke up... but it felt like it. Everytime Madi walked past Lando, it broke his heart. Everytime he noticed that Madi still wasn't wearing her heart locket with the photo of them in it, it broke his heart. Little did Lando know; Madi was carrying the locket in her coat pocket and would look at it every now and again during the week. Now Madi is walking to school at the start of the week. She walks past Lando at the front of the school with her headphones on playing Dear Darlin by Olly Murs and feels her heart break more and more by the second. She sits down on the small bench outside and watches Lando from afar. Of course Evie goes to talk to him... Lando still tries to avoid Evie best he can but he can never get rid of her. Until now.

"Hey, Lan" Evie says as she walks over to him. "What do you want now?" Lando says with an extremely annoyed tone while he tries to look for Madi. "Come on, Lan. No need to get all pissy with me" Evie says as she stands next to him and brushes her hand against his. "Stop calling me Lan. Only Madi gets to call me Lan" Lando says while trying to fight his tears as he thinks about Madi. "Well... Madi isn't here and probably won't be. Lan... she left you. You need someone better... someone like me" she says before quickly pulling him to herself and forcing a kiss on him. Madi sees this from her bench and sees that Lando is trying to fight Evie off and something clicks in Madi's brain. *he doesn't love her... he loves me... fuck this shit. I'm helping my boyfriend* Madi thinks and runs directly to Evie and tackles her to the ground. "Bitch. Stay the fuck away from my man" Madi says and looks at Lando. "You ok?" Madi says to Lando and he nods. "He's hardly "your man". You left him Madison. Just fuck off, you aren't good enough for him. I can treat him way better" Evie says while getting extremely close to Madi. "Mads... don't do anything. Come on, baby. She's not worth it" Lando says while trying to pull Madi back from Evie. Madi ignores Lando completely and ties her hair up. "He's fucking taken, Evie. Back the fuck off" Madi says which Evie laughs at. "You wanna fight for him?" Evie says while motioning to Madi to do it. "Bring it fucking on, bitch" Madi says before leaping on Evie and slapping her multiple times. "You stay away from my fucking man you fucking bitch!!!!!!!" Madi yells while grabbing Evie's hair as ripping some out. Eventually Lando manages to pull Madi off Evie and holds her in his arms. "Madi.. please. No more fighting. Come on. Please calm down" Lando says while Madi tries to wriggle out his arms. "No!!!! I'm gonna fucking kill her!!!" Madi yells while still trying to get out of Lando's arms.

She eventually does and goes back on top of Evie and whacks her nose which definitely broke and Evie scratches Madi's face with her nails and leaves a cut on her cheek. Lando immediately goes back to grab Madi and pins her against a wall. "Madison!!! Stop!!!" Lando yells at her which scares her slightly as he only calls her Madison when he's serious or pissed off. "She... I... Lan...." Madi says while feeling herself ready to cry while being pinned to a wall by her boyfriend. "Baby... calm down. You gotta stop. I've got you" Lando says while holding her hand and rubbing it with his thumb to try and soothe her. She feels a few tears fall on her face and sting against the cut on her cheek. The same cheek that Lando has his scar from his cut on. She looks at Lando and wraps her arms around his neck and cries into his neck. Lando wraps his arms around her and holds her close as she cries into him. "It's ok... I've got you... just take deep breaths... come on, baby... I'm not letting you go" Lando says while hearing her cries. She looks at Evie on the ground with a bloody nose and her hair tangled on the floor. "what... what have I done..." Madi says while Lando still holds her close. "It's ok, baby. It's not your fault.. she was asking for it... I've got you... come on, baby. I'm sorry for this past week... I should have never let you go that easily. I should have put up more of a fight" Lando says while trying to hold in his tears. "It.. it.. I was... the one who.. said to.. go on.. a break..." she says as her cries spilt up her words. "Mads... just let me hold you. I've not been able to hold you for a week and I'm taking the opportunity to do so now" Lando says while holding her tighter than ever and cries slightly. Madi continues to cry and her cries get more and more violent while he holds her close.

"Mads... look at me. Look at my eyes. Tell me what you see" Lando says with a soft and gentle voice which he hopes will soothe her as he slowly rubs her back. "I... I..." she says and then takes a deep breath. "I see your ocean eyes... they're looking at me..." she says while looking into his eyes. "That's right, baby girl. My ocean eyes are always looking at you... always watching you... always protecting you... they have been watching you for the last week. And they will never not watch you. And no matter how much pain and sadness comes our way... I promise I will never leave you alone again... never abandon you again... never leave you without putting up the biggest fight possible. Do you believe me, my love?" he says which Madi responds with a nod. "Good. Now, just let me hold you and let yourself cry. Let it all out, Mads" he says while holding her as if he was holding his own child; his hand on the back of her head and the other hand on her back. "I.. I.. I don't wanna go on our break... don't leave me... Lan... please don't leave me" she says as he cries get more violent. "Mads, I promise I will never leave you. I swear. I love you too much. Please stop crying, baby. I've got you" he says while still trying to comfort her. Eventually he calms her down with a lot of shushing and stroking her hair and she finally stops crying. She looks at him for a second after she calms down and feels extreme pain in her head

"Lan... shit... I don't feel good..." Madi says while holding her head as she starts to feel faint. He holds her in his arms and feels her start to get weaker. "Lan.. I..." she says before passing out in his arms. As soon as she passes out, Lando starts trying to wake her up. "Madi??? Madi, wake up. Madi!!! Don't do this to me, baby. Madison!!! Come on, wake up... please... Come on, baby. Stay with me... wake up. Madison!!!" he says while crying as his girlfriend lays in his arms unconscious.

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