~ Chapter Twenty-Five ~

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Music - Mother Tongue

"Lan... I didn't bring a coat... I'm gonna freeze and look like a drowned rat. It's my birthday and imma die" she says while grabbing her bag. "I've got you, baby" he says while holding his bag over their heads. "I'm so cold, Lan" she says once they are finally outside and in their class lines. Lando quickly looks in his bag and finds his coat. "Come here, baby" he says while wrapping his coat around them both. "I love you" she says while moving as close as she can into his arms. "I love you too" he says while wrapping his arms around her as tightly as possible. It's break by the time Lando & Madi get back inside and Madi can't stop shivering. It got sunny after the fire alarm so everybody was outside but Lando & Madi stayed inside in the year 11 area. Lando ends up carrying her to the year 11 room while she's shivering. He places her down next to the heater.

"I better warm up soon because it feels like I have insane hypothermia right now" she says while Lando takes off her soaked shoes and drenched socks and starts trying to warm up her feet. "You're not kidding. You're absolutely freezing, my love" he says while holding her feet in his warm hands as he tries to warm her up. "My 16th birthday and I'm freezing my tits off while my boyfriend tries to warm up my feet" she says while still shivering. He looks around and looks at her again. He looks in his bag and finds one of her jumpers and her leggings. "I know you really shouldn't be wearing anything except school uniform here but your health is more important" he says while passing her the clothes. "Why have you got my clothes in your bag?" she says with a laugh. "I never know when you need to change into something" he says which makes her laugh even more. "How do you fit so much shit in your bag?" she says and he smiles. "I've got a Mary Poppins bag" he says. She smiles as she looks around and then looks at him. "Can you cover me for a minute while I get changed? I don't want anyone seeing me" she says and he nods while trying his very best to cover her.

Once she gets changed, he puts her uniform on the heater and grabs a blanket from the other room. He cuddles up next to her under the blanket and holds her as close to him as possible. "At least you're warming up now" he says as he kisses her forehead. "Have you got a hair tie?" she asks and he already grabs the one from his wrist and ties her hair up in a bun. "I know how much you hate having your hair against your neck when it's wet" he says which she smiles at. "You remembered?" she asks. "Of course I remembered! What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't remember little key things about you?" he says with a smile. "And why did you have a hair tie on your wrist?" she asks. "Because... 1. It reminds me of you, 2. It tells other girls that I have a girlfriend and 3. I know what you're like for wanting to put your hair up but forgetting to bring a hair tie" he says which makes her blush. "You're too cute" she says before kissing him softly. "What are we going to do about our next class? My uniform isn't dry yet" she says. "We aren't going to our next class. Because 1. It's a study lesson anyways so we don't have a class and 2. I wouldn't make you go to class anyways when you are this cold. You are staying right here until you warm up. Actually, do you want hot chocolate?" he says while standing up to go to the tiny kitchen in the year 11 area. She nods while trying to get as close to the heater as possible. He looks at her while making the hot chocolates and feels so sorry for her. Her 16th birthday and she's freezing cold next to a heater. "oh I feel so bad for you, baby" he says while walking over to her with the hot chocolates. "Sweetie, your lips are going blue..." he says and presses his on hers as an attempt to warm them up and pull some blood back to them. "oh you poor girl" he says as he picks up her hot chocolate from the floor and gives it to her. "Let's hope this can warm you up a bit" he says while wrapping his arm around her and drinking his own hot chocolate. She finishes it within five minutes and rests her head into his neck. "At least you're a bit more warmed up now... I was getting a bit worried about you" he says which makes her laugh slightly. "A bit worried? You put me next to the heater, held my feet in your hands, made me change into dry and warm clothes, wrapped me up in a blanket, cuddled me, made me a hot chocolate and kissed me because my lips were turning blue. I wouldn't call that "a bit"" she says which makes him laugh. "Ok, I was very worried" he says and she nods. "That sounds more like it" she says and cuddles into him. "Should we actually try and do some studying as it is our study lesson?" she says and he nods. "Test me on some German" he says and she giggles slightly. "Ok... what does... "ich bin ein süßer Junge" mean" she asks. "Umm.. right... well "ich bin" means "I am". "ein" means "a" and "Junge" means "boy".. I'm trying to think what "süßer" means... um.... Is it "cute"?" He says and she nods. "So it is "I am a cute boy"?" he asks and she nods. "Yes!!! You did it!!! You would think that it was your Mother Tongue with how well you said it!!!" she says while hugging him. "I don't think I was that good" he says while hugging her back. "But you were!!! Ok... what does... "ich liebe dich" mean?" she asks. "Oh! I know this one!!!" he says and holds her cheek while pulling her face closer to him. "I love you" he says before kissing her. "I also know something else is German" he says as he pulls away slowly. "And what would that be?" she asks. "figure it out... meine liebe" he says which causes her to put her hand over her mouth and blush like crazy. "oh? Does meine liebe like being called that?" he says which makes her giggle. "yeah... a lot" she says while pulling him by his tie so the space between them closes. "God, you gotta start calling me that more" she mumbles against his lips. "I will, meine liebe" he says once again while holding her as close as possible to him with his arms wrapped tightly around her as he pulls away slowly. "Ich liebe dich, Lan" she says while holding her hand on his cheek. "Ich liebe dich, Mads" he says

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