~ Chapter Seventeen ~

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Music - Lose My Mind

"You ok, sis?" Mason asks as Madi walks into the house and runs to him to hug him. In the time that Madi walked from school to home, her and Lando had another conversation about family and siblings. Madi finally had a realisation about the fact that she hasn't been hanging out with Mason as much as she should and she immediately felt guilty as she realised this as he's really the only family member she lives with who actually cares. Mason got home a little bit earlier than Madi as he has a football game in around an hour and Lando & Madi were spending a bit of time making out before leaving school "yeah... I'm just scared that I'm spending so much time with Lando and I'm hardly spending any time with you... I think imma Lose My Mind" she says as she feels a tear fall from her face. "Hey, Mads, you're not doing anything wrong. Yeah, it's sad that we aren't spending as much time together but we're growing up. I've got my football and you have Lando. Look, enjoy the time you spend with Lando. I can't give you the love you deserve anymore because I'm always so busy with football and mum and dad aren't exactly all loving for you. You need someone who can give you that love and that someone is Lando. Don't ever feel bad for spending time with him and not me because he makes you happy and if you're happy; I'm happy" he says as he holds Madi close. "Thanks, Mase... I love you, bro" she says and he laughs slightly. "Love you too, sis" he says. "Hope you do well at your game. I will be rooting for Mount 19!" she says and he laughs. "Thanks, sis. If I score a goal, it will be for you" he says before Madi goes up to her room and lays on her bed.

Almost immediately after she lays on the bed, she gets a call from Lando. "You ok, Lan?" she says but he says nothing in return. "Lan? You good?" she says and finally hears a sound. A whimper. Something she never thought she would hear from him. "Oh my god. Lan, are you wanking???" she says with shock as she hears him slightly whimper again. "I'm sorry, Mads... I just saw a pic of you and I..." he says before whimpering again. "I couldn't control myself.... Please don't hang up... please keep talking to me.... Your voice...." he says while trying to control himself. Madi laughs slightly and speaks. "Turn on the camera... I wanna see you doing this" she says and he immediately turns on the camera and she sees him trying to calm his hard on down. "oh god... I've never felt this way about someone before... fuck" he says as he looks at the camera. "please speak again, baby.... I'm losing control" he says and she smiles. "Oh how I wish I could come over and help you right now...." she says. "Baby... please..." he says before he finally loses control. "oh fuck....." he says as Madi watches him. "You are actually so hot. You gotta FaceTime me like this more often" she says and he laughs. "I was honestly terrified that you were gonna judge me so bad" he says. "I know what you're like" she says and places her phone on her bedside table. "I'm actually so tired...." she says while starting to fall asleep. "awww, is my baby tired?" he says. "yeah... your baby might not sleep without you though..." she says while moving her pillow so she can cuddle it. "Are you pretending that pillow is me?" he asks with a smile on his face. "Yeah... i quite literally cannot sleep without you so I just pretend that I'm cuddling you when I'm cuddling the pillow" she says. "I promise I will cuddle you tomorrow night" he says. "Good... I love you" she says "I love you too. Have a good sleep, baby" he says and ends the call. Soon after, he messages her

Lan ❤️
Goodnight my love. I'll see
you tomorrow and I will
make sure that tomorrow
is the day that I fuck your
brains out 😉

Mads ❤️
Oh wow, is it my lucky day
tomorrow? 🤭 You're such a dirty
boy, Lan. Imagine if your mum
saw these messages

Lan ❤️
I wouldn't give a fuck what
she says. You are literally
making me so horny. I can't
control myself anymore...

Mads ❤️
You're so dirty for a 16
year old boy. I fucking love it

Lan ❤️
Good that you love it. I really
wanna fuck you again... last
time was really good...

Mads ❤️
Do it then. Fuck me, Lan.

Lan ❤️
Are you sure baby? I know
that it's hard for you with
stuff like that. I don't wanna
push you into anything just
because I'm a little bit horny.
I can deal with that myself.

Mads ❤️
Lan, shut up. I said fuck me.
I want to do this. I need to heal
my trauma and this is the best way.

Lan ❤️
So I can send you this then?
*dirty pic of him*

Mads ❤️
Fuck it. I'm coming over now

Madi looks around for a second and realises that her family aren't gonna be home for a while because of Mason's game so she immediately makes her way to Lando's house. She climbs up the side of his house and knocks on the window. "Let me in!!!" she shouts and he laughs as he opens the window and she sees him completely naked. "You sure you wanna do this?" He says as he holds her "we don't have to, Mads." he says before Madi smashes her lips on his. "we're doing this" she says.

I'm still not writing smut about teenagers. You guys can imagine the rest because you lot are dirty dirty dirty people.

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