~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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Music - Sunflower

The next day...

"Why am I not surprised that Tyler & Evie are together now. Actually, they are made for each other. They are both evil as fuck. The boy who raped me and the girl who basically sexually assaulted you. At least we won both the fights against them" she whispers to Lando while Tyler & Evie are sitting on the other side of their form room. "We should have killed them... oh well, better late than never" he says while giving Madi an evil smile as she takes a sip of her Fanta but immediately spits it back out with laughter. "You know... we should start a couples war against them" he says which Madi smirks at. "We better get to it then" she says as she sits on his lap and immediately makes out with him. "We are the best couple in this room..." he mumbles against her lips as he pushes his tongue inside her mouth. "God I love you so much" she says against his lips. "I love you too" he says before feeling her quickly jump off his lap as Mr Peterson walks in. "We're not done yet, my love. We might have to find an empty classroom later" he says with a smirk. "Oh, you wish I would fuck you in school. I don't play that dangerous game, Lan, so I guess you will have to hold on until we get home" she says as she teases him. "Don't make me do that, Sunflower. I will lose control by then" he says back. "Well you will have to figure it out" she says while looking at him with a big grin as she knows how crazy she is driving him.

Today was nearly a whole day of Drama. Mr Poppy had the school agree to let all his Drama GCSE students have the majority of the day where they can work on their pieces for the Drama GCSE performance as their performances were going to be done the following week. They have to perform a script which is either a duologue (two people) or a monologue (one person) and Mr Poppy insisted that Lando & Madi do a piece together which is a romance script.

"God, I love Mr Poppy for making us a duo. He definitely knew what he was doing" Lando says as he rummages through his bag to find his script. "Where is it???!!!!" he shouts while he's throwing everything out of his bag to find it. "You would think you are in Year 7 with the amount of stuff you have in there" she says as she helps him look for it. "a condom? you are actually so prepared for the day I let you fuck me here" she says with a laugh as she pulls out a condom from his bag. "Don't complain. Would you rather I don't use it and you get pregnant?" he says while smiling. "Doesn't matter. I'm on the pill for a reason" she says. "I thought that just meant that you didn't have your period?" he says while looking extremely confused. "I- how- why do you think periods happen?" she asks. "I don't know. They just do?" he says, which makes her burst out laughing. "Oh god, Lando, we gotta teach you some things" she says while still laughing. "Stop laughing at me!" he says while sitting on the floor with his bottom lip out and his arms crossed as if he was a toddler. "Awww. Come on, baby, let's find your script" she says as she goes back to helping him find his script. "Why have you got a scrunchie in here?" she asks while pulling out a scrunchie. "I know what you're like for wanting to put your hair up but not having a scrunchie with you" he says with a smile. "Awww, you're so cute" she says as she kisses him on the cheek and continues to look in his bag. "Found it!!!" he says as he pulls out the script which is drenched "Oh are you kidding me!!! My bottle leaked!!!! Fuck!!!!" he yells which makes her laugh even more. "I'm sure Mr Poppy will let you use your phone" she says as she walks into the drama studio and sits on the stage with him. "Come on, Lan. Let's go through this" she says while looking at him. "I think I would rather just kiss you" he says while holding her. "You know I can't say no to that" she says before softly pressing his lips onto his. He kisses back and pulls her closer to him. "I think I genuinely found my girl..." he says once they both pull away. Madi blushes and looks at him. "I definitely found my boy" she says as she cuddles into him. "I think we should just stay like this. Just cuddled up together looking over our scripts" she says as he smiles. "I would love nothing more" he says while opening his arms for her. "sometimes all I need is a cuddle" she says while snuggling into him. "sometimes all I need is you" he says while kissing her cheek. "I'm definitely gonna need to sleep after school because I'm so tired" she says while snuggling into him. "Just sleep now. You already know your lines and I'm learning them pretty quickly so we don't really need to go over it. Just have a little nap, ok?" he says while pulling her closer to him. "Ok..." she says as she sits on his lap facing him and rests her head on his chest while he holds her close.

Mr Poppy woke them up in time for their final lesson. German. "This is so easy" she says before looking at his worksheet. "How are you not doing amazing in this? You're literally half Belgian and you can't figure this out?" she says. "My mum is from the Flemish part of Belgium, not the German part!!!" he says while laughing. He looks over to her worksheet. "How have you done it all?" he asks and she nods. "German is really easy for me" she says. "I guess we will have to move to Belgium or Germany so i can get better at this" he says. "Speaking of that... does your family in Belgium know about me? Have you ever mentioned about me to them?" she says and Lando smiles. "Yeah, my mum said about it when we first got together and they asked me to send a few pictures of us and they already think that you're perfect" he says with a smile. "At least that's something. But you're have to learn more German quickly or else we are gonna fail our GCSEs" she says and Lando laughs. "I'm just gonna get a job that doesn't need GCSEs" he says before the bell rings to go home.

Our Forbidden Love: Forever and AlwaysWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu