~ Chapter Twenty-Six ~

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Music - Tumblr Girls

Their next lesson, Maths, finally comes. Madi's uniform finally dried and Lando made her put it on top of her jumper and leggings so she would still stay warm. Once they get to maths, Madi walks in before him and sees that the seating plan has changed and her & Lando are next to each other again. She immediately runs and jumps into his arms which takes him by surprise. "Woah, woah, woah. What's gotten into you?" he says while laughing slightly as he holds her in his arms. "Look at the seating plan, baby!!! We're sat next to each other again!!! You don't have to sit next to Evie anymore!!" she says while kissing him on his neck. "Really????" he says as he walks over to look at the seating plan with her in his arms. "Oh my god we are sitting next to each other again!!!!" he says while carrying her over to their seats. "This is better" he says while holding her close. "You do realise you will have to sit in your own seat in a minute" he says and she grumbles. "fucks sake. I wanted to cuddle you all lesson" she says as she moves to her seat. "I can still cuddle you during the lesson" he says as he wraps an arm around her and pulls her close to him. "Where's our teacher gone?" he says while looking around. "I don't know... she just left?" she says and looks over at the desk. "Guys!!!! She has a meeting!!! The sub isn't in today!!! Free lesson!!!!" she says and the whole class cheers before all going on their phones. Madi walks over to Lando and sits on his lap. "Actually, I can cuddle you all during the whole lesson now" she says while wrapping her arms around his neck. "I would love nothing more" he says while wrapping his arms around her waist as tight as possible. "I love you so much, baby" he says. "I love you too, baby" she says before pressing her lips on his. He looks at her and she rests her forehead on his and hears a phone camera and she looks to see Mason sitting on the table next to them; taking pictures of them. "you guys are actually quite cute. I thought one of you would want that photo for your phone wallpapers or something" he says and she smiles. "Yeah, thanks, Mase. Just airdrop it to me" she says before going back to cuddling Lando.

When lesson ends, they both go back to the year 11 area to huddle up next to the heater. "It's still so cold" she says while putting the blanket on top of her. "I know, baby. I'll keep you warm though" he says while holding her as close as possible. "I'm sorry it's been such a shit day for you... I hope I can make it a bit better after school. I don't want you hating your 16th birthday" he says and she smiles while resting her head on his shoulder. "It's ok, baby. It's not your fault..." she says. "It's better than any of my other birthdays anyways. Because I have you" she says and he blushes and kisses her head. "I'm glad I'm able to make it better" he says.

Their last class is Geography. Madi still doesn't know why Lando took it and probably never will. "Do you at least know where Mexico is?" she asks and he points to Argentina. "There" he says with a massive grin. "Oh god, Lan. That's Argentina. This is Mexico" she says while pointing to Mexico. "I thought that was part of America" he says. "I have no hope for you" she says. He laughs and looks at her. "I already told you, I'm getting a job that doesn't need GCSEs" he says and she smiles. "I wish you the best" she says before the bell rings for the end of the day. "Finally!!!" she says as she runs out of the school with Lando and makes their way to her house.

"I hope you like what I have for you" he says before opening the house and seeing a party full of people. They both stand at the door for a second and hear the music blast into their ears. Tumblr Girls which definitely meant that it was from Madi's playlist. They then feel Mason push through and run into the party. "I was not expecting Mason to do that" he says with a laugh. "Neither did I... anyways, let's go get changed" she says as she takes Lando upstairs.

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