~ Chapter Seven ~

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Music - One More Light

Their whole maths lesson is spent with Madi's blood boiling. She watches Lando & Evie for most of the lesson and sees Evie laughing at some of Lando's jokes which Madi gets extremely pissed off at to the point where she literally snaps her pencil in half. Lando tries to wave to her but Madi just rolls her eyes and continues carving dicks on the table with her snapped pencil. As soon as maths ends, usually Lando & Madi would leave together. But not this time. This time, Madi leaves without him and goes straight to their next lesson. PE. Once again, the boys & girls are joining. Usually Madi would wear Lando's hoodie & her nike pros but this time she just wears a random old hoodie at the bottom of her PE bag and her leggings. Lando notices this a lot but stays away as he can tell she needs space but it was actually making the situation worse, she needed to feel loved by her boyfriend. She goes to the far corner of the field and watches Lando with Evie and keeps an eye on what's happening. Evie is wearing Nike pros and like the smallest top in the world which somehow she gets away with and Madi can see that Evie is deliberately trying to stand in front of Lando so he can see her ass but he ignores it every time. He looks around for Madi and can't see her anywhere until he realises that she is most likely in their little corner of the field where they have made out a few times in.

Lando approaches Madi and sits next to her while not saying anything and just feeling the wind blow against them while Madi is sitting in a ball with her arms on her knees and her head resting on her arms but her head faced the opposite way of Lando. He looks at Madi for a bit and moves closer to her and puts his hand on her leg. As soon as she feels him touch her, she starts feeling herself about to cry. Lando can tell almost instantly that she's about to cry and pulls her onto his lap and holds her close to him while she cries on his shoulder. He grips hard onto her waist while she wraps her legs around his waist and he doesn't let go at all. After a few minutes of her crying on his shoulder, she looks at him. "Do you still love me..?" she says while sniffling from her crying. "Of course I do, Madi. I love you with all my heart" he says while placing his hand on her cheek and wiping her tears away with his thumb. "It... it doesn't feel like it... it feels like.. you like this new girl... more than me.. I feel like One More Light in the sky right now... one more light that no one cares about" she says while still sniffling. Lando knows that this is going to be a difficult conversation to have with Madi. He knows how insecure Madi can get and he doesn't want to hurt her or make her feel any worse than she already does. He takes a deep breath and looks at her while hoping that his next words would comfort her and not make her feel worse.

"Madison, you gotta stop feeling so insecure about yourself. You have nothing to worry about. I love you more than anything. Evie doesn't stand a fucking chance against you. If I was planning on choosing another girl; I would have never asked you to be mine in March. You are my girl and my soulmate and I just want you to see that for yourself. I would have never risked my friendship with Mason if I didn't love you. I would have never snuck into your house like everyday if I didn't love you. I wouldn't have hidden our relationship for you if I didn't love you. We've been through so much together, Madi, and I've loved every single second of being with you and I wouldn't give it up for the world. And as for being one more light... you aren't "one more light" you're my light. I love you so much, Mads, and I really hope you can see how much I love you" he says while feeling a tear fall from his own eye which he quickly wipes away. "Really?" she says while not believing him fully. "Of course, baby. You're my girl and nobody else is" he says while holding her close. Madi looks at him and then looks to Evie and looks back. "but... but... she's better than me... she..." Madi says but gets cut off by Lando placing his finger on her lips. Lando knows that it's not gonna be easy to convince Madi that she's beautiful, but he tries everything in his power to make her see herself in the way that he sees her.

"Madi. You're gorgeous and you need to see that. I don't want anyone else in this world. No one will ever compare to you" he says while seeing more tears fall from her eyes. "But... but.. she.. she..." she says but gets cut off by Lando pressing his lips onto hers. Lando kisses her gently while hoping that this will hopefully show her that he loves her. He doesn't want her to break down anymore than she has already so he keeps his lips pressed on hers until she stops crying. He holds her face to his with one hand and rubs her back with his other hand as he tries to soothe her from crying. Eventually, she calms down and he finally pulls his lips from hers and strokes her cheek with his thumb. "I love you so much, Mads. I love you more than anything in this world... more than anyone or anything... more than even my own life... because you mean everything to me" he says which Madi responds by resting her forehead on his. "I... I..." she says and takes a small breath. "I just don't wanna lose you because I'm not good enough" she says while she drops her head down and her hair falls in front of her face. Lando puts his hand under her chin and pulls her head back up and uses his other hand to push her hair out of her face and behind her ears. "Mads, you're more than enough for me. You're everything I could ever want and more. I love you for who you are, not because of how you look. Even though you look sexy as fuck" he says which makes Madi giggle slightly before he places a soft kiss on her lips. He pulls her closer to him again and tightens his arms around her. "I.. I love you, Lan" she says while sniffling slightly. "I love you too, Mads. Never forget that" he says while cuddling her on the field.

Soon after they have to start going back to the school from the field and Lando stays by Madi's side the whole time as she feels extremely vulnerable. He holds her hand the whole way and rubs his thumb against her hand to try and soothe her during the whole time they walk back to the school. He sees a few tears fall from her eyes as she hears Evie behind them but he continues to stroke her hand with his thumb to keep her from having another breakdown.

Once they get back to the school they go to the changing rooms and Madi overhears Evie talking about Lando & Madi. "He's so hot. His little girlfriend doesn't stand a fucking chance against me. He will leave her for me in a few days. Just you watch" Evie says to the rest of the girls which leaves Madi in the hidden changing room around the corner, curled up in a ball while crying. Lando waits for her outside the changing room and just sees Evie "Lan... Madi already left. Come hang out with me" she says and drags Lando away from Madi, once again.

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