~ Chapter Twenty-One ~

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Music - snowfall

"Lan... I can't do it..." Madi says. It's now night. Madi held herself together during the whole day of being with all her family and now she is in her room for the time being and is trying not to cry over the phone. Lando's sat in a field looking at the stars with the Snowfall falling on his face; he needed to go somewhere alone. "I know, baby.... I know... I'm struggling too..." he says while trying not to let his emotions take over him. "I can't do it without you, Lando...." she says as she finally lets go and feels herself crying and she looks down to her heart locket and looks at the picture inside of them. "Baby... please don't cry... hearing you cry is making me cry..." he says as he sniffles for a second and feels his tears pouring down his face. "I hate everything about this... I only wanna be with you..." she says and he feels even more tears falling down his face. "I'm gonna try everything in my power to get to you in the next 12 hours. I promise... I can't hear you in this state and not try to do anything about it, my love. Please just try and sleep, cuddle your pillow as if it's me..." he says. "Ok..." she says as she cuddles her pillow. "I will try everything I can to be with you. I love you, Mads" he says. "I love you too, Lan" she says before he hangs up and runs home. Madi finally falls asleep while cuddling the pillow.

The next morning, Christmas Morning.

Madi wakes up and tosses in bed slightly while still feeling extremely lonely without Lando. She rolls over to the other side of the bed and cuddles up to the person who is laying on her bed. It doesn't process in her brain for a while that there isn't meant to be a person in her bed and when she looks up she sees the very familiar ocean eyes and brunette curls which belong to her boyfriend. "Oh my god???? Lando???" she says as she jumps onto his lap with tears of joy falling from her eyes while she cuddles him. "Good morning, my love. Merry Christmas, my beautiful girl. I missed you so much..." he says while holding her waist close to him as he feels a tear of joy fall from his own eye. "I didn't.. think.. you were.. coming" she says while her tears of joy split up her words. "Neither did I... but my mum saw how sad I was without you so she got the family and came down here to be with you. As you said yesterday, they are your family too" he says and she smiles before pulling his face to hers and pressing her lips on his for a few minutes. "I'm glad you're happy. Merry Christmas, my sweet" he says while still cuddling her. "Merry Christmas, my beautiful boy" she says.

After a few more kisses, cuddles and tears, the couple finally made their way downstairs in their matching reindeer onesies. "This present is a very special one" he says while passing her a present. "Is this like a pregnancy announcement? Are you pregnant, Lan?" she says which makes him burst out laughing. "Yeah, I'm preggers" he says. Madi opens the present and sees red lingerie and immediately hides it behind her back. "Oh my god. Lan!!!!!" she says while laughing. "You can't be giving me that in front of my family!!!" she says while laughing. Soon after, Mason reaches behind her and grabs the present. "Woah. That's not what I expected Madi to get given today" he says and Madi immediately stands up and starts chasing him. "Mason I swear to fucking god!!!!!!" she yells which makes Lando laugh. Lando grabs Madi in his arms and holds her close. "Let him run, Mads. It's only some very hot lingerie which I would love to see you in... I'm definitely buying you more in the future so Mason will have to get used to it!!" Lando says and Mason immediately drops it and starts gagging. "Ew. Please don't" Mason says while finally sitting down. "Do you see the carnage you have caused?" she says to Lando with a laugh. "Worth it." Lando says as he softly kisses her before they sit down and cuddle on the sofa.

He looks at her for a while and admires all her features. "You admiring me again, Norris?" she says which he smiles at. "This is the one time I will let you call me Norris. And yes I am. You're just too... hot" he says while wrapping his arms around her. "You're saying that while I'm literally in a reindeer onesie" she says with a laugh. "Still hot. I'm just extremely attracted to you..." he says. "It's actually a bit hot in here. "She says as she zips her onesie down to her waist and has only a small crop top underneath. "fuck..." Lando says under his breath while looking at her. "That's better" she says as she lays on top of Lando again. Lando pushes her up slightly so he can look at her. Well... look at her tits specifically. "Oh, so now you're looking at my boobs. God, you're so attracted to me" she says before he puts his hands on them. "Shut up. You know I am attracted to you..." he says. She smirks as she sees him wince slightly as she moves on his lap which she immediately knows why he's doing that. She smirks before seeing his parents look at them and she immediately smacks his hands off her boobs and Lando looks at them like a deer in headlights. "Not my fault I love her so much..." he says which his mum and dad laugh at. "We know, Lando" Adam says and looks back at Cisca who is trying not to laugh. "Well it seems that my parents approve of our relationship. That means I can get more handsy with you" he whispers in her ear and she smirks but also rolls her eyes. "Just because your parents approve doesn't mean you get to fuck me in front of them" she says and he smirks. "I'm sure we can find a way..." he says before looking at her brother, Lewis, and thinking of a name to call her which will make him want to throw up. "we will find a way... mommy" he says and Lewis immediately runs out of the room while Madi is laughing. "I don't think Lewis approved of that!!" she says with a massive laugh. "Maybe I should call you a name that will make your brother throw up" she says while looking at his brother, Oli. "Oh god please don't" Oli says and Madi smirks at Lando. "We will figure it out.. daddy" she says and Oli immediately runs out of the room yelling "I'm throwing up too, Lewis!!!!!!" which makes the whole family laugh. "Success!!!!!" Madi yells while the whole family continues to laugh.

"Hey... I have one last present for you, Mads"

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