~ Chapter Fiveteen ~

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Music - Fine Line

Madi wakes up in the car. Her head is resting on Lando's lap and she's now wearing Lando's hoodie. Her parents are in the front seats and her dad is driving. She looks at Lando who smiles down to her "hi, baby. We're almost there so just relax" he says and she looks at him with confusion written all over her face. "We're taking you to the doctors. It's ok, my love. We'll find out what's wrong with you" he says as she sits up slightly and rests her head on the window, her legs on the seats and sits on his lap. "I'm scared... what if something really is wrong with me..." she says with some tears falling from her eyes. "Oh, baby. It's ok. I've got you... if something is wrong, I'm sure they can fix it... come on, baby" he says while holding her tightly in his arms. She nods and he puts one of his AirPods in her ear and puts on her playlist to calm her down. Fine Line by Harry Styles always makes her happy.

Madi was right at the start. She was only passing out a lot due to Evie hitting her on the head too hard. "I told you!!!" Madi shouts and laughs at Lando who is just smiling as he sees Madi slightly happy for the first time in a few weeks. "Well, at least we know now. And you have some drugs to sort out your headaches!!! You're gonna get high on drugs!!" he says with a massive laugh which makes her laugh too as he picks her up with her legs wrapped around his waist as he carries her back to the car.

McDonald's. That's where Madi decides she wants to go for food. Lando is actually looking forward to this and can't wait. "what should we get?" she asks him as her parents line up for the drive thru. "how about I let you order for us?" he says without thinking how evil his girlfriend will be with this power. "I'm gonna get you a fish sandwich" she says with an evil laugh while fully knowing how much Lando hates fish. "You're so evil!!!! Don't you dare!!!!" he says as he grabs her waist in the back seats of the car and covers her mouth with his hand. "You know how much I hate fish!!!!" he says with a small laugh as she wrestles him to get his hand off her mouth. "Fine!!! Let's get some nuggets then. But I want a 20 piece for myself! I'm a family of one person!" she says which makes Lando laugh. "That's way too much. you will definitely throw up!! How about we share it?" he says. "Fine, only because I love you" she says as she pecks his lips quickly and rests in his arms. "I don't think this is how you sit in a car, Mads" he says with a small laugh. "So you don't want me in your arms?" she teases. "Never mind" he says while tightening his arms around Madi.

Once they get home, they immediately cuddle on her bed. "I could cuddle you for the rest of my life" she says while snuggling closer to him. "Same, baby..." he says while slowly falling asleep. He falls asleep within a few minutes which gives Madi a chance to admire him. She looks at his face and looks at every small detail as she remembers how much she loves him and why he makes her so happy. His brunette curls that he lets her play with whenever she wants, his ocean eyes that she always sees love exploding in them, his scar on his cheek from the cut he got from fighting her ex, his few freckles on his face that make him himself, his soft lips that he lets her kiss whenever she wants or needs to, his arms that wrap around her whenever she needs it, his hands that hold her when she needs, his heart that is full of all the love he has for her. every single part of him was designed for her to love and she knew that and as he stays fast asleep with her in his arms she falls in love with him more than she ever has before. She realises how lucky she is to have him as her boyfriend and that he is her other half. She thinks about all this as she falls fast asleep with her head resting on his chest where she can hear his heartbeat which soothes her to sleep.

Our Forbidden Love: Forever and AlwaysWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu