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"The Kingdom of Khastriya and Amanda"

The continuation...

Before the attack, the Kingdom of Kshatriya was known as the creation and peaceful kingdom. But right now, things all suddenly changed when it was destroyed by the unknown forces of darkness. Now this kingdom is ruled by a villain named Amanda. She was the dark witch of Novaria. Where she was exiled before, because of her bad deeds in Novaria. When Queen Victoria found out what she did to the princesses and prince. Queen Victoria serves a commandment to hunt her and remove her gifts.

But the kingdom of Novaria failed to do that. Instead, she was helped by an unknown dark force and gave her a new ability.

"We're not done yet, Victoria. I'll wait for the day that you will fall from your throne. And I think this will happen anytime soon." Amanda said and she laughed.

When the scepter gets divided, she tries to find all the pieces of the scepter, where she is informed that the scepter can grant her a wish.

"And I want to rebuild Mythia and see my parents again," Amanda says. She feels intense sorrow and anger when she remembers the time the Queen of Khastriya commanded her men to destroy the city of Mythia.

In Khastriya right now.

This kingdom has been affected by war. The people of Khastriya right now have been experiencing intense fear when they saw Amanda's guard roaming around in a small nation. Especially in the main city.

In the city of Alba,

A woman quickly hides in a hunt when she sees the guards. She immediately cast a spell to make a strong lightning, that would hit all the guards. Then lastly, she uses her ability to disappear from that place. Wherein she travels to a secret headquarters. The resistance where S.A.P was created.

"Thank God, you are safe. Are you able to speak to our spy at the castle?" A man said.

"Najive, I think our spy Emily is dead. I can no longer feel her magic." Sittie said.

"My head hurts, we always fail!" Najive said when he heard his sister talk about their new spy.

"We need to stop sending spies to the castle Brother, I need to take care of our people. Our count is also not enough to fight with Amanda's men. I don't want to lose another friend again." Sittie said as her tears started to fall from her eyes.

Then one woman approached her and said,

"Your sister is right, Najive. But also, we can't stay forever and hide in this place. We need to fight for our freedom. But not right now. We are all not ready." The woman said. Najive sighed before he spoke.

"Thank you, madame Criselda. You're right! Let's hope that Helen and her team will be successful in their mission on earth," Najive said.

"If I can go back to Novaria. I can ask help from the crowned princesses and princes." Criselda said.

"I know where we can open a portal and Amanda can't trace us," Sittie said.

"Where?" Criselda asked.

"At the castle, I remember the late Princess Maya, she took me to a room wherein no magic would be allowed. Even casting spells. But you have 1 minute to use or cast a spell. Once you enter the room, you immediately cast the spell." Sittie explained.

"That's too risky," Criselda said.

"We don't have any choice, madame. You need to go back to Novaria," Sittie said.

"Might we have another option?" Najive said.

"No, we tried a lot of ways, Brother. But at this time, it is time. You need to trust me!" Sittie said, which showed on her face that she was very serious about her decision.

Then they immediately went to the castle.

"Where here, madame, on that door? That's the sacred room." Sittie said while she was pointing her finger to the sacred room.

"Okay, let's change our appearance." As Criselda was about to use her power, suddenly a strike of lightning stopped her.

"That was close!" Criselda said.

"Madame, on my back!" Sittie said as she immediately called the strong wind.

"The f*ck Amanda is here!" Criselda said after she said that she immediately covered her mouth.

"I'm right you're cool," Sittie said while smiling at her.

"Now, madame, the hallway is set. You need to run as fast as you can, and you will follow in that room," Sittie said. Criselda follows her advice, she runs as fast as she can.

But suddenly she stops when she notices that her feet slowly turn to ice.

"The curse of the scepter, but I need to help this kingdom. This is all my fault!" Criselda said when she reached the door. She immediately opens the door, and while Sittie sees her, she uses her ability to run the same as her lightning.

"I won't let you do that. Guard stop them," Amanda shouts at them and her men immediately try to stop the two, but they fail. A strong shake on the ground happens. When they turn their heads,

"Quake?" Criselda said.

"Who?" Sittie asks.

"The prince of Lemen forest," Criselda replies.

"But I thought they were all on Novaria," Sittie said.

"Criselda, this won't take long. I am not physically here." Quake said. Then Sittie immediately opens the door and they go inside.

"Madame, I can feel now that my magic won't last. You need to jump on the portal immediately," Sittie said, and she immediately cast a spell. After the portal opens, she shouts and says.

"Now!" Then Criselda jumped to the portal. Then Sittie suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

But a young girl came up and looked at her.

"How did you get here?" The young lady said.

Meanwhile, on earth, Ced is still clueless about the missing teacher.

"I don't have any idea where to go next. The last place that they saw Miss Dominica was a convenience store, but their CCTV was just for display. It's not working." Ced explained to Leanne over the phone while she was sitting on a bench outside the convenience store. It was the last place that they saw the teacher.

Suddenly, someone approached her and said,

"We know where we can find Miss Dominica," the voice said when they turned around. They saw Helen, Sharmaine, Zandra, and Melanie."

"OMY GOD! Sharmaine? Mel? And Zandra. What are you going to do here?" Ced asks, as she is excited and happy when she sees her former classmates.

"A long story Ced, but we need you to prepare for a mission that has been written on the stars," Zandra said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ced asks them.

"Your name was written on the book of prophecy in Khastriya. You will be the one who can save us and your kingdom!" Helen said.

"Still, I didn't understand you guys. I know about gifts. But I don't have the gift." Ced replied.

"Not only a gift Ced, You are from the blood of Mastia. This means royalty, and the one and only heiress of the throne of Khastriya," Melanie said. While smiling at her.

Then Helen started to explain everything to her.

To be continued.