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"STUDENT AND MENTORS (The End of Enigma)"


Ced now was the crowned princess of Khastriya. She was mentored by her Miss Dominica. Until the time has come. The rightful owner of the bluish gem from Novaria arrived to get that piece of the scepter from Novaria.

"Beam, and Leah you are here. I'm glad you visit me again." Ced said to the visitors.

"We are here, to get the piece of the scepter from our realm. And We're happy that you're okay now." Beam said.

"Sure, and our kingdom is now at peace so I don't need this anymore. I taught my people how to fight. Especially for women like us." Ced explains while she handed Beam the piece of the scepter from Novaria.

Then another visitor from Novaria arrived.

"Miss Angel, I'm glad to meet you. The princess of Lumia." She said and vowed to the princess.

"Nice to meet you too. And I am glad to meet you in person, Ced." Angel said.

"Now, we have the piece of the scepter. Angel must give you something in return." Beam said.

"No, I'm good," Ced says as she tries to refuse the gift that the angel gave her.

"This a wish, allow us to give you a wish," Leah said when suddenly another visitor arrived. And all the sunny and cloudy weather suddenly changed. They saw Enigma floating in the air approaching them.

"Greetings princesses!" Enigma said while she laughed.

"What do you want Enigma," Beam said as she changed her appearance and used her battle suit.

"Calm down ladies, I am here to challenge the crowned princess of Khastriya," Enigma said.

Meanwhile at the small town where her sister Mailin was worried about her.

"What she means by that?" Manang Luchia asks Mailin.

"She will sacrifice herself to me because of this curse of Sitan gave us, Billion years ago," Mailin said.

"We need to do something Mailin about this." Manang Luchia said and she saw that Mailin was very worried about her sister.

Going back to Ced...

As my visitors wanted to help me in this fight, they were stunned by Enigma. They can't move like a statue. When they tried to cast a spell, the curse of Enigma got worse if they tried to fight the curse.

"We have no choice but to stand here and watch Ced," Beam said.

"This is her final battle," Angel said and stared at Ced.

While they were in the middle of their fight, Mailin arrived with Manang Luchia. And they witnessed the fight between Ced and Enigma.

"This is not good Mailin; your sister just keeps absorbing the attack of her opponent." Manang Luchia.

Until they saw Ced quickly plummet down due to a powerful energy released by Enigma. That is why, Ced saw an opportunity to approach Angel to get her wish.

"That's not gonna work, Dear," Angel said. As Ced asks her to defeat Enigma.

"Okay, bring my Mentors back to life," Ced replied.

"Your wish is my command!" Angel said and she immediately used the bluish gem and cast a spell. And suddenly a voice talks to Ced.

"What's your wish young lady!" said the voice

khastriyalexandrite (The First Piece of the Scepter from Novaria-COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now