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"Sitan and Enigma"

The continuation...

In the darkest part of Ayden where Sitan was hiding after the battle.

"Who is Sitan?"

He is an ancient dark god from Filipino mythology, and his role is the same as the monotheistic Satan. The guardian of Darkness.

"How are you, My King?" Enigma asks. While Sitan is still recovering from the battle he had before with the Adonis brothers and the twelve horoscopes.

"Still trying to gain my strength fast, how's your mission?" Sitan asks.

"Doing good so far. They were easy to destroy. And now my minion is almost finished on her mission," Enigma said.

"That's good to hear, now I can get my revenge. Just continue to destroy them all after they are destroyed. It's time to take control of their realms," Sitan said.

"Don't worry, you won't lose this time, my lord. I'll assure you that." Enigma said, and she waved her hand, then a small black butterfly appeared in her hands.

"What are you trying to do?" Sitan asks.

"The second piece of the scepter from Novaria. I can feel the essence. I must do something to get that." She replied. And she cast a spell.

"By the power of Mangkukulam, I command this black butterfly to fly and give a curse to the right creature. Fly away black butterfly, give me the location of the second piece of the scepter from Novaria." She said, and the black butterfly flew away.

Meanwhile, in Novaria...

"You mean, Sitan is still alive?" Angel said. Then Beam and Dave arrive, who are arriving from Earth as they try to find the pieces of the scepter.

"We're here, we got your message, big sis. What happened?" Beam asks. And Leah approached them, who had also come from the hall, and she immediately took her two cousins to the hall. Where Bonch turns into a statue.

"I can't hear her heartbeat," Dave said as he tried to feel the heartbeat of Bonch.

"But she still has the light force. I can see," Beam added.

"If we can't find the pieces as soon as possible, Bonch will completely turn into a statue," Angel said.

"But we're having a hard time locating the pieces. We have tried to ask for help, but it seems the pieces have their own will," Beam said.

Then when Criselda sees them, she immediately answers what is the reason why they always fail to find the piece of the scepter.

"Because the piece of the scepter will just choose you. They had their own decision, and you are right. They have their own will to show themselves or hide. This is what I did before when the scepter was in danger. I leave no choice." Criselda said.

"Well, if that's the case, we must stay calm and wait," Leah said.

"And aside from that, we have a big problem," Theo said. Then they face Theo and Jenna when they hear Theo talking.

"Sitan is involved in this chaos. Enigma is Hukloban, who was one of the minions of Sitan." Theo explains.

"Who's Sitan?" Beam asks.

"I've heard that name somewhere. But I can't remember?" Leah said.

"We fought the god of darkness before with my brother Tyler. Jenna and her cousin Catalina, who is my wife now. We thought Sitan was dead. But we were wrong. He tries to bring chaos, before on Jamais, but Jenna prepares a group of people who have gifts or powers from Earth. One of them is Samuel and Samantha, the twins of Jamais. And right now, they are tasked to find the pieces as well. But Sitan is not an ordinary villain." Theo explains, and Beam and Angel stare together as they get worried about this creature that Theo explains.

"He is the god of chaos and darkness. We must prepare ourselves for this battle. You guys were no longer dealing with Skinwalkers." Theo explains, and they were getting worried about their new enemy.

While on the other side of the story, a woman in a coffee shop suddenly gets panicked when she sees her hands filled with fire.

"Oh my god! I am burning! I'm burning!" The woman said. Then Officer Siton and Alcántara were in that place at the time, and they immediately helped the woman.

"Alright, Calm down! We are here to help." Spo.4 Alcántara said.

"Right, inhale and exhale. Don't panic. We were here to help you, Miss. What is your name?" Spo.4 Siton asks the woman.

"I am..." The woman didn't finish what she wanted to say when suddenly a bomb exploded near the coffee shop.

Going back to Ced's Training.

"We are now on the last part of your training, Ced," Helen said, while Zandra, Melanie, and Sharmaine just nodded their heads.

"And where's the riddle master or something that I need to face?" Ced asks the four. Suddenly Helen released a big blast on her, and she was lucky to avoid it.

"What's wrong with you Helen?" She said, as she was shocked about Helen's weird act.

And Zandra is now releasing a high voltage of lightning, and she immediately creates a shield for the plants.

"Are you guys going to kill me?" She said as she turned around. Melanie and Sharmaine acting weird.

Melanie opens her sketchbook and she draws a dragon. And suddenly a big dragon appeared at her side.

Lastly, Sharmaine changes her appearance to her best friend. Leanne.

"I don't understand. What's going on? Do you guys want to kill me?" She asks.

"This is the final training Ced, you must use all of your learnings to defeat us," Helen said, and she immediately released another high amount of fire that would surely burn her. But she uses the shield that Melanie teaches her.

"Aquatic Shield" As she shouts, a water shield suddenly appears to defend the fire.

"You can't just keep using the defense move Ced, try to fight us," Melanie said as she commanded her Dragon to fight and attack Ced.

"Wait! No!" Ced shouts when she sees the dragon, she changes herself into a small creature that immediately flies away. But Zandra won't allow her to do that.

"You can't escape from us!" She said and suddenly another large amount of lightning approached her when, suddenly, Ced, cast a spell, and she got it to Melanie.

"I call the name of Anitu Tabo because of the power of wind." She said, and a strong wind suddenly appeared, and they almost flew away.

"I don't want to fight you guys. We're friends." She said, and Sharmaine started to use the power that Leanne had.

Sharmaine can copy the face or identity of the people that she wants to. And also, she will acquire their ability, but it won't last long.

"No, we set up this battlefield for you. And you must fight us and be a winner." Helen said, and she attacked her student.

"I can't, do we have another test?" Ced asks, but Helen never answers her. Instead, she keeps attacking Ced, until Ced suddenly falls on the ground when she sees a guy standing from a distance where she was training.

"Big sis? What are you doing here?" The guy said as he approached Helen.

"We are on a mission Billy, leave us alone!" Helen said, but her brother didn't listen. Instead, he joined Ced while she was in the last training session,

"Can you please stay out of it?" She said, but the guy just smiled at her and said.

"Let me help you, I know you were in training. My sister is expecting you. And she was all prepared for this practice. "The guy said.

"I'm Billy and you are?" Billy asks her name.

"My name is Ced." She replied.

"Beautiful name just like you. Your name fits you." Billy said. Then she gets blushed.

"Stop if you want to help me, then help me.!" She said as she pretended. She got annoyed.


khastriyalexandrite (The First Piece of the Scepter from Novaria-COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now