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The Continuation...

After Helen explains everything to Ced, Ced still can't believe everything that she found out.

"So, why don't I have any magical powers just like my bestie." While she pointed to Leanne, Helen smiled at her first before answering her question.

"She is from Novaria. And you are different. Khastriya possesses the ability of the Goddess of Anitun Tabu.

Anitun Tabu, the goddess of wind and rain, holds a paramount role in Philippine folklore. Her narrative is a captivating blend of enigma and reverence, symbolizing the intricate equilibrium that both sustains and occasionally tests life on this tropical archipelago. In the ancient Tagalog culture, Anitun Tabu was often held responsible for the occurrence of "ambon." A gentle rain. Interestingly, before the colonial era, marrying in the rain was considered auspicious, signifying Anitun Tabu's contentment. This belief vividly illustrates the profound influence Anitun Tabu held on the lives of ancient Filipinos.

Then, Melanie gives her a glass of water and put it on a table in front of her.

"Now, I want you to focus on that glass of water," Helen said.

"What should I do?" Ced asks.

"Try to manipulate the water inside that glass," Helen replied.

"What? You're crazy!" Ced said, then she laughed.

"Just like this Ced. Watch me!" Sharmaine said, and she immediately manipulated the water inside the glass. She changes the shape of the water into the shape of a star. When she saw it, Ced immediately refused to do so and said,

"I can't, I can't do that! I have no special abilities like you guys!". Then her best friend approached her and said,

"Ced, I know you can do it. They trust you on this and if they believe you. You must believe this in yourself. Remember the time that we had a mission." Leanne said to boost her self-confidence. Then she recalls what happened on that day when they had a mission to capture the big boss of the Black Dragon Syndicate.

"Leanne, where's Dominguez?" she asks.

"They retreat, and that's an order. So, let's go!" Leanne replied while they were hiding in a wall.

"No, I can't allow this. She must pay for what she did to my grandparents." Ced replied, then Leanne saw a smoke that immediately covered her and Ced waved her hands. Suddenly, the water pipes in that place slowly moved.

"A high pressure of water?" Leanne said when she saw the sudden changes in the water pipes.

"Where do you think you guys are going?" She said while smiling at the goons. And a strong wind suddenly blows.

"Weather gift?" Leanne said while she saw Ced creating a strong storm inside the basement where she faced the goons.

"Ced enough!" Leanne shouts, and she casts a spell to stop Ced from creating a storm.

When Ced remembers that incident, she tried to put her focus on the glass of water. Instead, she controls the water inside the glass. The glass of itself explodes.

Meanwhile, in the castle of Khastriya, Where Sittie was stuck in the sacred room.

"Let her die at that sacred door, besides she can no longer use her magic inside that room. I want you to look at that room. When this room opens. Kill her!" Amanda commands her guards. Then the Khastrian guards' vows to her as a sign of assurance that they will comply.

While inside the sacred room, Sittie was finally awake, and she looked around when she saw a young lady preparing food.

"Finally, you woke up. Are you hungry?" The young lady said, wearing human clothing from Earth. Sittie knows this type of clothing. She had already visited earth when she was a child.

"Where am I?" She asks.

"You are still in the sacred room." The young lady replies, and she waves her hands, then the crock slowly moves towards the young lady. While on her trivet, a fire started to appear. She immediately put all the ingredients that she had cut on her knife earlier.

"Do you have magic? In the sacred room? How?" Sittie asked the young lady.

"We naturally learned magic. We call this manual magic", she replied.

"Natural way? I thought the sacred room would remove all types of magic, but how? And what do you mean to us? You mean, there's someone else here aside from you?" Sittie asks. The young lady just smiles and she introduces herself.

"My name is Ninia, and what's your name?" Ninia said.

"I'm Sittie," She replied.

"Okay Sittie, I will answer all of your questions later on. But we must eat now. The food is ready. Let me prepare this in a minute." Ninia said.

Going back to earth where Ced is on her first training session with S.A.P.

"That's a good start. At least she has the mastia," Zandra said.

"Yeah, Zandra is right. You need to be here every day Ced. For your training. And let me teach you some spells", Melanie added.

"Wait, Helen, do you guys have a clue or lead where we can find the first piece of the scepter from Novaria?" Leanne said.

"As per cousin Najive. He spoke with Criselda about it.

Criselda erases her memories after she gives the pieces to each kingdom from our realm," Helen said.

"How many pieces is this?" Leanne asks.

"We don't know, but Miss Dominica knows about the realms and the worlds. We have a strong feeling Miss Dominica knows where the first piece of the scepter is," Helen said.

"I need to go back to Novaria if I can get some info," Leanne said.

"That would help us to resolve this crisis in our kingdom," Helen said. Then Melanie added, and she started to read what she saw in her book.

"The Ayden, wherein the first on the list a strong alliance of Khastria and Novaria. Aside from these kingdoms, we have the kingdoms of Jamais and Sta. Elena? Sta. Elena??" Melanie said.

"Sta Elena, I know that place. That place is not a kingdom but one of the gates or portals of our realm," Helen said.

"What if we use the portal of Sta. Elena.? Just to check the resistance," Sharmaine said.

"Is it the resistance or Henry?" Zandra said while she smiled.

"No, no!" Sharmaine said as she blushed.

"That's enough, I will try to communicate with Najive later to get some updates. But girls don't ever attempt to go back to Khastriya for now. It's very dangerous." Helen warned them.


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