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The continuation...

"Do you need anything?" Stephanie asked them.

"No, we're good, I want to talk with Miss..." Ced didn't finish what she said when Amanda suddenly came and greeted them.

"Hi good day, I am Miss Villaruz and I think you were referring to the old owner of this Mansion," Amanda said, and she sat next to Ced and Billy.

While Helen and her friends are watching them in their mystical mirror which is made by Sharmaine.

"What is she doing there?" Melanie said.

"I think they will be going to commit suicide because of this rescue mission. Sometimes Ced is hard-headed. Remember the training." Zandra added.

"Let's trust her with these girls. Besides, she's no ordinary police officer," Sharmaine said, and Helen agreed with Sharmaine.

Going back to the sacred room of Khastriya Castle...

"Be ready, cuz we will rock this castle" Sittie said.

"It's not time, Sittie, you were tasked to save the heiress of Khastriya. If I were you, go back to the resistance hideout. Just blow this whistle if you need us.

"I understand!" Sittie said, and she immediately used her ability to teleport to the location where the resistance was hiding.

Then her brother gets shocked when he sees Sittie is alive.

"Sittie Sister, is that you? Or am I seeing your ghost?" Najive said.

"No other than Brother. It's me!" Sittie replied and she hugged her brother.

"You're alive, and how did you survive in the sacred room? I thought, aside from draining your gift, your light force would be drained as well.? What happened?" her brother asks.

"It's a long story Brother, but I have good news," She said, and the other members of the resistance listened to her closely.

"Ced is now ready to face the wicked Queen wannabe of Khastriya. I saw her on a quest, but I couldn't even touch her. The Sacred room is a dimension from the other dimension where Helen created it." Sittie explained and suddenly an old woman came and said,

"It's not possible, however, this might cause chaos to happen right now. Some portals were suddenly opened. I am worried about this." The old woman said, and could see the worry on her face.

"The worst case is, might the portal into the underworld open?" Najive added.

In Novaria...

"This might be the worst-case crowned princess of Novaria," Catalina said to Beam.

"Lower your tone, Girl! She's no ordinary girl you are talking to the crowned Princess of Novaria", David said, a reminder to Catalina.


Is one of the characters in The Secret of Brothers. She possesses the gift of Dalikamata, the clairvoyant goddess.

"I know, it's just that all the realms were affected because of this wrong decision. But sooner, once this is fixed, Ayden and Jamais will no longer sign the treaty. We will completely close our portal. This is insane. Your kingdom needs to make sure of the safety of the other kingdom as you guys have chosen to bring restrictions on the other realms," Catalina angrily said. She was about to speak when Tyler and Jake stopped her.

"Enough Ate Cat, they didn't want this to happen. As you can see, Sitan. This is all planned by Sitan and his minions," Tyler said.

"You're right, my love," Jake said, and he grabbed Tyler's hands.

"If that's your decision, Miss Catalina. We will respect your decision on this. Don't worry, my cousins, Angel and Leah were going to cast an enchantment on those missing pieces of the scepter. Those who will be chosen by the grace of Novaria. They need to bring back the pieces to our realm," Beam said.

"We're so sorry about this chaos. Catalina girl!" David said, and he attempted to use his gift to move the ground, but Beam stopped him.

Going back to the mansion where Amanda pretends to be the new owner of the mansion.

"Steffie, bring them some food," Amanda said to Stephanie and she just nodded her head.

While John Marc was still hiding in a big tree, he saw Miss Dominica sweeping the mansion's ground. And he immediately approached the woman.

"Miss Dominica? I am Chief Officer John Marc Alcántara. We will rescue you guys here" he said, and Miss Dominica remained speechless as she continued sweeping the mansion's yard.

"This is hypnotizing," John Marc said, and he remembered an old practice on where he came from. He immediately got a small flute in his pocket, then he started to use it. And the melody immediately scattered unto the whole mansion.

"Who's that?" Amanda said when she heard the melody made by John Marc.

"I didn't hear that, how about your partner?" Ced asks Billy, and he immediately responds and says...

"Nope, what should I hear?"

"No, I know this melody," Amanda says. While the prisoner of the mansion slowly awakes from the hypnotization made of Amanda.

Suddenly, Miss Dominica fell to the ground and when she woke up, she saw John Marc still using the Flute.

"This melody was coming from our small town called Mythia. There's a mythian here." She said.

"Surrender Bitch! Your minions are no longer under your control," Ced says, and she suddenly changes her appearance. Her hair went white.

"Luminian!" Amanda said, as she was shocked at what she saw. Ced quickly punched her face. Due to the force of her punch, Amanda was thrown away and her back hit the wall.

"How dare you! You can't beat me!" She shouts while Ced just stares at her and says.

"Release my classmates and give me the piece of the scepter. I'll let you live". Then she took her pistol from her pocket and pointed it to Amanda.

"Slave Kill Her!!!" Amanda shouted but no one responded and suddenly her prisoner appeared, then they said.

"We are no longer under your control."

Ruby Jane and Ana Leah create a big form of energy ball.

And Miss Dominica warns her if she does not hand over to Stephanie the piece of the scepter of Novaria. She would allow John Marc to use the flute and make music to heal all the pain.

"Go ahead, I am tired of this battle!" She said as she bent her knees on the ground. But Enigma won't allow her to do that. Instead, a big black smoke appears and she is teleported back to Khastriya.

"Wait the Piece of the Scepter!" Stephanie said as she tried to get it to Amanda, and they failed to do it.

On the other side of the story...

In a black-market place, an organization is hiding and they are called the Black Dragon.

"You must kill her. This Agent Denny Anne is giving us all a headache." A woman with a red kimono.

Then, suddenly, a black smoke appears and it transforms into a beautiful woman.

"Queen of Darkness." The woman said and she vowed.

"Mathilda, do you have an update about this La Fiery thing?" the mysterious woman said.

"Not yet, my queen, but my minions are working on it, and we still have a problem with this woman named Denny Anne," Mathilda said.

"I don't care she's nothing. Give me an update about this La Fiery Lady. We have a strong feeling that she has the piece of the scepter. Not only that, she was given a gift from the goddess of Volcanoes. Lalahon." The mysterious woman said and disappeared.

After that incident, Mr. Kim appears and reports to Mathilda about the success of getting the piece of the scepter.

"That's good news at least," Mathilda said, as she felt relief when she heard it.


khastriyalexandrite (The First Piece of the Scepter from Novaria-COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now