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Jungkook was frantically searching for Jay but he couldn't find later anywhere

So he decided to check in washroom and stopped when he hear familiar voice of Yibo and Jay. He hide and listened to their talk.

"Damn Jay you bastard why did you drink so much if you can't keep it in??" Yibo scolded as he cleaned Jay's mouth who look passed out and had his whole body weight leaning on him.

"yibo why ~~are~~you~~still~~by ~~My ~~side ~~after ~~everything ~~I ~~did~~"

Yibo just looked at Jay and made him turn to him ,"Jay did something happen??Did someone hurt you ?? Tell me I -"

Jay giggled snuggling close to Yibo his head on Yibo's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around his waist. Hugging him .

" No ~~no ~~~I ~~just ~~just wanna~~idk ~~yibo ~~can~~you ~~stay ~~with ~~me and sleep with me ~~like old times??"

Jungkook clenched his fist in anger when he saw the scene

"Well well what do we have here ??" Jungkook said as he look at the pair in disgust .

"Jeon what's with your tone ?? And why you are here??" Yibo asked absolutely hating the way Jungkook was eyeing the pair.

"You don't look happy Yibo ? Why is that ?? Perhaps because I cockblocked you ?? " Jungkook said cockily as he poked his tongue to his inner cheeks.

Yibo clenched his fist in anger as he glared at later and tightened his hold onto Jay ,

" Fuck of Jeon , I don't know what's wrong with you but for god sake get some help .You are disgusting. "

Yibo was about to leave with Jay when Jay was suddenly pulled away from him .

"What the heck Jeon ??" yelled Yibo and was about to hit jungkook but Jungkook kicked him

"I should ask you that Yibo , who the heck allowed you to leave without my permission? And seriously bruh you are so desperate for this whore who knows nothing but to spread his legs for anyone . Trust me he ain't even that good of fuck -"

Yibo punched him hard making Jungkook fall back and hit wall.

" Jeon you fuckin Bastard How dare you Say something like this about Jay ?? You don't even know him how dare you sprout such vile thing about him , Just fuckin stay away from him or I will kill you Jungkook . "

Yibo yelled grabbing his collar as he landed another punch.

"I can't Yibo sadly your friend belongs to me now, so no matter how much you want me to stay away from Him I can't . " Jungkook said giggling as he pushed away later and kicked him hard making him fall down on floor.

"What nonsense are you speaking ??" Yibo ask clutching his stomach .

"Oh don't you know I and Jay are married. But don't worry you can still warm his bed . I will allo"

"Shut up !! Why are you doing this Jeon ?? Stop messing with Jay I am warning you -"

Before they could continue their fight they heard washroom door open with bang and enter Zhan who rushed to Yibo side .

"What the heck BoBo??Why did you get into fight with someone ?? And where the hell is Jay ??"

It was then they noticed younger was out of their site.

"Fuck " Jungkook cursed and ran out of washroom.

Zhan immediately helped Yibo stand ,"What was that about??"

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