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"Bring it on bitches" He said and reloaded his gun after shooting 2 mens. Running forward he shot another guy however he couldn't see that hidden in dark their was another  guy who was waiting for his prey.

The said guy attacked him from back kicking his back making him fall on ground and kicked the  gun away from In-ho and instantly pulled his trigger shotting on In-ho's leg. In-ho screamed out loud in pain . The said guy i.e Vincenzo quickly injected drug in his arm.

"No matter how good you are Shadow but you still are my underdog. You can't overthrow the one who raise you ." Vincenzo said  grabbing In-ho hair from back and throwing him at compartment wall making him cry out in pain as his head crashed brutually with metal body. 

In-ho slide down the wall but still managed to answer him back

" I did , otherwise you won't be here seeking for my death by your wicked ways." Shadow said smiling fisting his injected arm tightly. 

Vincenzo laughed and said 

"True my boy , you never fail to remind me why you were the best men in my gang . Your feistiness and craziness has still not changed it's still same as the time I met you . I still remember how young beautiful boy entered and demanded to be part of the gang, your fearlessness and hatred reminded me of myself. Now that I think of it it's been years since I have seen your real face Shadow . Now that you are on your death bed their is no need of this mask, at least in Death I want to set you free of pain you have always been hiding behind those eyes of yours."

Grabbing his face he looked at eyes of his that held deep hatred and anger for him. Laughing he pulled away his mask and said ," Damn shadow seriously this is one of the ugly fake skin mask I have seen, that damn Red did you ugly didn't he . After your death he will be the one going down"

"You fucki-" In-ho could only curse his body was going dumb

In-ho couldn't complete as his face mask was pulled away revealing his real face. 


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Intro -  Jay  aka our own shadow ( in mafia world) and In-ho ( For Kim people)

                 Twin brother of Jung Hoseok . Is younger than him by 10 minutes.

                  As deadly as Hoseok. Loves each other but can't express. 

                  Skilled in shooting , but in combat he is not as skilled as Hoseok.

"My my you have grown into such a beautiful man Shadow" Vincenzo said licking his lips.

"I know bitch sadly you grey uglier than you already were." In-ho said spitting on Vincenzo.

Vincenzo angrily slapped him across his face ," I was being nice but since you are so eager to die tell me how shall I kill you?""

In-ho sinisterly smiled and said ,"l'unico che sta morendo sei tu, figlio di puttana"(Only one who is dying is you mf)

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