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23 AUGUST 20xx,

It's been an hour, I'm continuously pacing outside the emergency room. She is inside fighting for her life. How the fuck she put herself in a situation like that? She has a phobia of water, then what the hell was she doing near that slide? And how the hell did she just fall? I'm not even sure if she is ali-

No! Fuck! Don't say something stupid. She is here. She is with you. She is the only reason your heart is beating. She is not going to leave alone, Your soul will go with her. So no! If you are breathing then she is breathing too.

"Coffee?" I heard Diya's voice behind my back and shake my head in no, without looking at her.

"You need to calm down, Harsh." She said again but I ignored her still pacing.

"Okay I'm done with you. We need to talk, like right now." Tushar said grabbing my elbow but I jerk him back.

"Don't." I said pointing my finger at him. This is the first word I had said after coming to the hospital. He has been trying to talk to me since we came here but I'm not interested right now. All I want to do is break the doors of the emergency room and take my woman in my arms. Everyone is here including Muskan and they are trying to talk to me one after another but neither my pacing stopped nor my disturbing thoughts. I kept on ignoring everyone until the doctor walked out of the room. I hold my breath because I don't know what he brought with him. Everyone circles around him asking tons of questions but I stay rooted at my place.

"She is out of danger now but still the next 48 hours are critical for her. There is only an injury behind her head which may lead to concussion. So, it's better that we wait until she gains her consciousness." He concludes and I am visibly relaxed. She is fine. Out of danger.

"Thank you Babaji. Thank you so much." Diya said and I thank babaji in my head rubbing off the tear fallen from my right eye.

"When can we meet her?" Tushar asks taking the words from my mouth. I move my eyes to him for a brief second and the uneasiness in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed by me. I look back at the doctor for his response.

"We are shifting her to the ICU in an hour. Please excuse me. You can take information from the doctor inside." He walked off saying the words that made my breath stop. ICU? Why? He said she is okay. I think I heard something wrong. Maybe the panic I'm feeling a few moments back made my mind paralyzed or maybe it's not working properly. Honestly I don't know anything so I just walk inside the emergency ward with someone behind me.

The ward is similar to our hospital's but there are less patients. Only five beds are there with only two occupied. It doesn't take me a lot of effort for me to spot her laying unconscious on bed number 2. I walk straight to her and pause when my eyes landed on the oxygen mask and IV drip. I had seen many patients in this situation, hell in the worst situations but her? She broke my heart completely. Her skin looks too pale and she doesn't look at all beautiful in this fucking hospital dress. I hate it. I hate this dress. I hate this room. Fuck! I hate this situation. I hate everything around me because my woman is laying unconscious in front of me and I can't do anything. She is not at all okay. I can tell that by just looking at her face and her blood pressure fluctuating. My doctor instincts are telling me she is serious. She is fighting for her life but what am I doing? Standing here? Doing nothing for her? All this year's study is just useless when I can't do a single thing for her. I can feel my hands shivering. I can feel tears dropping from my eyes continuously. I can feel my heart racing like it never did. I can feel myself falling on my knees in front of her bed. I can feel the unknowing and worst thoughts in my head. I can feel the panic attack I'm having right now. But there is only one thing I can concentrate on.

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