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Zoe's POV

"I knew you'd pass," said Ryker. "How did you know for sure? I could've just as easily failed" I said. "Because of how you kiss me," said Ryker. "That's ridiculous"I said not believing him. "No it's not. When I kiss you, you give yourself over trusting me completely" said Ryker. Before I can reply Ryker flies me back to the top of the cliff. He shifts into his human form and takes my hand turning me to face his entire flight.

Everyone stares at me with a mixture of shock and awe. "Zoe has passed every test we've thrown in front of her. She's officially a dragon in our flight and has now earned her place as your dragoness" said Ryker. Aiden, the flight elder on Ryker's council, steps forward. "I'd like to be the first to apologize to you Zoe" said Aiden. I nod my head showing my appreciation. "You fought honorably and bravely, something I never thought I'd say about you given our flight's history" he said.

"But when I'm wrong I'll admit it," said Aiden. I stare at Aiden who only two days ago was calling for my death. They wouldn't let their guard down if I didn't do the same. I still needed their help getting my flight back. I needed them to trust me too. "Of course I forgive you. It takes a big man to say when they're wrong" I said. Leileena steps forward with a begrudging look. "What about the bounty on your head?" She asked me.

"Your stepmother is offering a lot of money for your death" said Leileena. "That bounty means nothing. It's a badge of honor for Zoe" said Ryker strongly. "It proves my loyalty is here" I said, stepping in. "What if the other flights attack us to try and get the bounty on her?" Leileena said. Ryker's anger finally gets the best of him. He picks Leileena up by her neck and dangles her over the cliff. "Have you lost your honor? You're a dragon of the Demon flight" said Ryker dangerously.

"If anyone attacks us, we destroy them. Zoe is one of us now" said Ryker. "Yes lord Ryker. I'm sorry for questioning you" Leileena replied shakily. Ryker moves and drops Leileena on the ground. "I've been lenient in your terrible treatment of Zoe but that ends now. Anyone who is speaking ill of your dragoness will be punished severely" threatens Ryker with a serious tone. Leileena turns to me and attempts to look humble.

"Welcome to our flight dragoness," she said. I look up at Ryker. He squeezes my hand and pulls me close to his side. "Very few dragons are strong or smart enough to pass our test. You've proven your worth to dragoness Zoe. I'm sure you'd like to say a few words to your new flight" said Ryker. The flight roars with celebration and I'm surprised how quickly their opinion of me changed. "As your dragoness I vow to protect you and fight against you all. We are family in a flight and you welcomed me into yours. I won't let you down" I said as they cheered loudly as they looked at me.

I meant every word as I thought about my flight. "Here's to Zoe. Your new dragoness" said Ryker. The crowd cheers loudly again. "Now go prepare for tonight's ceremony," said Ryker. I'm ushered into a guest bedroom by the women who are excited to prepare me for my ceremony. "I hope you don't hold my attitude against me, dragoness Zoe. I was only protecting my flight" said Leileena.

I look at Leileena knowing she could very well be a part of Ryker's kidnapping but she could also be innocent. "No hard feelings. I don't blame you for hating me before but that ends now" I said, taking her apology. "Yes dragoness," said Leileena. An older woman enters. She smiles softly at me and I immediately like her. "My name is Alcina, dear. I'm the head housekeeper. We're so happy to have you as our dragoness" she said. She was a sweet lady.

"Ryker never would have chosen you if you weren't worthy," said Alcina. "Thank you Alcina. Ryker has also proven worthy" I said. She chuckles lightly and gives me a wink. "Oh you're going to be very good for him. If I didn't know better I'd say you were dragon mates," Alcina said happily. "There's no such thing as dragon mates" I said knowing our history pretty well. "There used to be. Which means there could be again. In our dragon history, enemies rarely ever become friends, let alone husband and wife" she said. She was sorta right.

"I've seen the way Ryker looks at you. It's obvious you're both in love" said Alcina. In love? I don't think Ryker would ever let himself fall in love. At least our ruse is working. The women bring in a large tub and fill it with hot water. After scrubbing me down, Alcina brings out a stunning gown. "This is hand made out of the finest threads of gold. It was made to match Ryker's ceremonial outfit" said Alcina.

"It's beautiful. Thank you for being so kind to me" I said. "Of course dear. You're one of us now" Alcina said. I tried it on and Alcina looked at me in awe. "Thank you so much" I said to her. She whipped away her tears and a few minutes later. Alcina and the rest of the women walk me to the ceremonial grounds. I look around suddenly feeling nervous. A wave of guilt moves over me. They're accepting me into their dragon flight but none of this is real. Tingles move over my body and I instinctively know Ryker's behind me.

My breath catches as I turn and see him in his ceremonial threads. "Zoe, you look beautiful. You are beautiful" he said, staring at me. He hungrily stares at my body. This night felt like it was from a dream. I am now a demon flight dragon. An enemy to my flight and I look at Ryker with mixed feelings. Was I meant to be here just as much as everyone else believed me to be?

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