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Zoe's POV

Ryker was going on about how I was going to be killed. "Your land is safer? You admitted you were planning to either kill me or lock me in your dungeon" I said. "You know who's behind your kidnapping. I don't know who's behind mine" said Ryker. I could tell he was thinking hard. "Right now you're the only person I can absolutely rule out. I need your help Zoe" said Ryker. I could tell in his blue eyes that he was hoping I would help him. I stare up into Ryker's dangerously handsome face as anxiety runs through my veins.

"I'll guarantee your safety Zoe" said Ryker. "That's impossible. We're enemies Ryker. Your guards will kill me on sight" I said. He was thinking for a long time. He raises an eyebrow and says "Not if you join my flight as my wife and become our head dragoness" said Ryker. My jaw dropped. "Your head dragoness? Have you lost your damn mind?" I said In disbelief. I stand in the forest staring at Ryker not believing what he's actually suggesting.

"Your flight will never allow me to lead with you," I said. "They will if they think you're my wife," said Ryker. "Think? You want me to lie to your entire dragon flight and fake being married?" I said not wrapping my mind around this. "Yes," said Ryker plainly. With an incredulous look I throw my hands in the air. "No one will believe we'd marry each other" I said finding just the smallest reasons this is a bad idea. "As of right now the whole territory thinks I'm a runaway bride" I said trying to save my life. I didn't need my freedom to be short term.

"So? We'll tell everyone Noah doublecrossed you for power which is true" said Ryker. I wanted to yell that this was crazy and so was Ryker. A fake marriage will never work. This was an inconvenience to everyone and we were lying to keep me safe. We are trying to be a menace to his flight to catch the person who betrayed Ryker. "Do you really think your flight will accept me?" I said looking into his eyes trying to find a little bit of hope and trust.

"Not at first. If they believe you're really on their side and will be leading them our flight permanently they'll eventually accept you" said Ryker. I took a deep breath. "Both of our lives depend on it. All we're doing is extending the truth" said Ryker. I looked at him still nervous. "You help me find who betrayed me and I'll make sure you get your dragon flight back from Emily and Noah" said Ryker. "Won't your dragons turn on you later for lying about being married" I told him. "They'll understand when I weed out the traitor," said Ryker.

He acted like he had thought of everything. I take a deep breath wondering if this plan is just crazy enough to work. Ryker is somewhat right. I can't just walk into my dragon flight and take it back. I'll need power and force behind me. "Zoe, I would never ask this of you if it wasn't absolutely necessary. I need to know who betrayed me" said Ryker sincerely. "Fine, I'll pretend to be your wife and assume the title of head dragoness while we find the traitor in your flight" I said. I just hoped he would keep his promise. My whole flight depended on it.

"As long as you swear you'll help me get control of my flight back" I said, narrowing my eyes on him. "I swear Zoe. You have my word" said Ryker. As we were about to shake hands he stopped. "Now just don't fall in love with me," said Ryker with a grin. I scuffed thinking how I hate him too much to ever fall for him. "Please you're the one who keeps proposing marriage" I say smiling back as I shake his hand. "Fake marriage" said Ryker smiling as he shook my hand back. We pull our hands away right after. Ryker runs his hands behind his neck.

He eyes me up and down. "It's too bad we can't say that we're dragon mates," said Ryker, shocking me again. "Us dragon mates" I laughed. "The only way to prove being mates is the ancient branding that comes after marking" I said with my arms crossed. "I know so we'll need to do much better than we did with the hunters to convince my flight we're in love" said Ryker. He reaches out to take my hand but I pull it back. "This is what I mean, you can't flinch every time I touch you" said Ryker shaking his head. "I don't flinch when you touch me," I said back.

Ryker pushes me up against a tree pressing his chest to me. His intoxicating musky scent reaches my nose and I involuntarily lean closer. "When we get to my house someone will always be watching even when you think they're not" said Ryker breathing down my neck. It was like he was trying to get under my skin and intimidate me. "You need to act like my wife at all times. That means welcoming my kisses and kissing me back" he said, sliding his hand on my waist. I tilted my head and said "I understand Ryker. I'm fine playing the part.

He leans in and kisses my neck. Shivers run down my whole body. Heat floods through me equal parts irritation and excitement. "We need to do more than play the part, Zoe," said Ryker. He pulled his face just inches away from mine. "My flight knows me. They'll know if it's not real" he said. I run my hand over his sculpted abs. I press my hips into his and give him a sultry kiss. I showed him I could play the part perfectly. I couldn't believe if his reaction was real or fake?

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